<Callie> A Girl Who Just Wants to Talk to Him

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Chapter 9

<Callie Stevens>

I put my key in the ignition and turn it. The car makes a few sputtering noises and then dies. I slam my hands angrily on the dash and lean my forehead on the steering wheel. The hour hand on my watch inches closer and closer to the twelve, reminding me that I was supposed to leave twenty minutes ago. My phone begins buzzing from my pocket and I pull it out, sliding my thumb across the screen. I put the phone up to my ear, waiting for the person to say something.

"Hey, Callie, how's the drive to Everington?" Andrew asks, bringing an involuntary smile to my face.

"It hasn't even begun. My stupid car won't start." I sigh and loudly kick the center console of my car.

"Well, don't hurt yourself, I'll come over and help you out if you want."

"Would you? I really need to get on the road. I told my parents I'd be home for lunch at three."

"I'll be at your place in five." With that, Andrew hangs up and leaves me alone in the hot and silent car. I open the door and get out, craving some slightly cooler air. I slip on a pair of sunglasses and lean against the chipping paint of the car my parents gave to me right before I left for college. Someone at my dad's office had been selling it, so my dad got a good deal. I told him I couldn't accept the gift, secretly because I knew if I had a car it'd make it harder for me to grow up because I'd have easy access to my parents, but mostly because it was such an expensive gift coming from the people who were paying sixty-grand a year for me to go to college.

"You look annoyed." I draw my gaze away from some bugs on the pavement and look at Andrew, who is walking towards me from his pristine truck.

"I was supposed to be halfway back to Everington by now." I laugh a little as Andrew pops the hood of my car. Smoke billows out and he fans it away, so he can get a better look. Without saying a word, he walks over to the bed of his truck and lifts a toolbox from it. Andrew comes back over to me and begins to inspect the hood. After a few minutes of silence, he wipes his hands on a cloth and comes over to me.

"I have good news and bad news, Callie."

"Lay it on me," I smile, softly running my hand over his forearm.

"Well, your engine is overheated and your battery is shot to hell."

"Dang it," I say, dragging a frustrated hand down my face. "What's the good news?"

"Well, the good news is, I'm actually going to Everington this weekend, so you can get a free ride.

"Are you sure?" I ask, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"It'd be my pleasure, Callie, I was going to go surprise my Grandma anyway." Andrew winks as he grabs my bag from the passenger seat for me. "Is this it?"

"Yeah, that's all I need." I smile and slam the door shut behind me, locking it with my keys as we begin to walk.

"Good," Andrew grins and leads me to his truck. He opens the door and helps me in before going around to the driver's side. I set my bag on the ground and flip on the radio, turning on the country station.

"What? No pop music today?" Andrew chuckles as he backs out of the parking space.

"No pop music and no pop boys," I roll my eyes in a good-natured way as Andrew pulls onto the main road that will take us to the highway and Everington.


"And here we are." Andrew says as he pulls into my driveway around three. "And right on time too."

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