<Callie> A Girl Who Has Good Friends

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Chapter 37

<Callie Stevens>

"Julio, do the clothes fit?" I call from the living room as I sling my purse over my shoulder. "We should probably leave for your interview."

"They fit perfectly. Are you sure Andrew is okay with me using these?" Julio comes out of his bedroom dressed in a pair of khakis and a blue button-up I bought Andrew for his birthday last year.

"He doesn't mind at all. And you look really nice. You'll knock 'em dead at the job interview." I smile as Julio puts on his grandfather's watch, a trinket Vanessa brought from hers and Julio's old house when she moved all their stuff into my apartment yesterday.

"I can't believe I got a job interview two days after getting out. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but it feels like the first step towards my better life."

"Julio, it's okay to be excited about something. You deserve it after what you've been through these past few years."

"You're right." Julio smiles and calls for Luciana, who toddles out of the bedroom dressed on overalls and her teddy bear coat. "Ready to head out for daddy's interview?"

He picks her up and swings her around, landing a kiss on her cheek as she giggles.

"You're gonna hang out with Auntie Callie while Daddy does his interview. You wanna get breakfast in Everington?"

"Pancakes," Luciana squeals and claps her hands as the three of us walk out of the apartment.

"I know a great pancake place. They have the best chocolate chip pancakes." I smile and squeeze Luciana's hand as we walk across the parking garage to my car.

I slip into the driver's seat while Julio buckles Luciana into her car seat in the back. He takes the passenger seat and we begin the hour-long drive to Everington. I turn on some CDs Vanessa left in the car for Luciana, and Luciana begins to sing along, dancing in her seat. Julio smiles at her as I pull onto the highway.

After an hour drive, we arrive in downtown Everington, and I park in front of an outpatient recovery center where Julio is being interviewed for an entry-level recovery counselor position. He leans in the backseat and kisses Luciana before stepping out of the car.

"I'll see you in like thirty?" Julio asks as he closes the door.

"Sounds good," I call back as I roll the window down. "Good luck, Julio."

"Thanks, Callie, you and Luciana have fun at breakfast."

I watch Julio walk into the recovery center before I drive off and find a parking space outside of my favorite diner. I go to the backseat and unbuckle Luciana. She holds up her arms, so I can pick her up. I hold her close as I shut the door and lock the car. She sucks on her thumb and pats my shoulder as we walk into the diner.

"Table for two please, and a highchair for the little one." I smile as the hostess leads us to a booth by the window.

She drags a highchair to the end of the table and I help Luciana get situated. The hostess sets down a coloring sheet and some crayons in front of Luciana before handing me a menu. She leaves, telling us our waitress will come by in a few minutes.

"What are you coloring?" I ask sweetly as I open my menu.

"Doggie," Luciana holds up her coloring sheet that is streaked with crayon.

"I love it, sweetheart. You're quite the artist."

"Hi y'all, I'm Robbie, I'll be your waiter today. What can I get you to drink?"

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