<Callie> A Girl Who Doesn't Believe She's Superior

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Chapter 19

<Callie Stevens>

Monday morning, I'm in my car, stuck in traffic on the way to the county jail for my first meeting with Julio. I'm tapping my fingers nervously on my steering wheel as I wait for the car in front of me to turn left. The radio is playing some monotonous pop song, but I leave the station alone and wait for any news of Jasper's condition. The news said he stabilized Saturday afternoon, but they weren't sure how long he was going to be in the hospital.

I couldn't sleep at all over the weekend. I just paced my apartment and drank tea while I tried to plan what to say to Julio and simultaneously listen for news of Jasper. Andrew was very understanding and sweet and sat with me for most of the weekend, but he eventually left to go prepare for his first meeting, promising to meet me for dinner tonight. I felt bad that I let my worry get the better of me, but I could think of nothing else except for Jasper possibly dying somewhere in a hospital bed.

I turn left onto the road leading to the prison. In the distance, I see a barbed wire fence and the gray concrete buildings beyond. I draw in a deep breath as I approach the gates and the booth attendant opens the gate for me. I follow the signs for visitor parking and find a spot close to the doors. I pull the keys out of the ignition and drop them in my purse. I look out my window and see a cloudless blue sky, which calms my nerves. Thank you, God, for this day and for this opportunity. Please help me to bring Julio closer to you.

I sling my purse over my shoulder and step out onto the gravel of the parking lot. I pull out my keys and lock the car, making sure I hear the beep twice before I begin walking away. My Vans tread softly on the parking lot as I head towards the glass front doors of the prison. The metal of the door handle is cool under my hand as I pull back and step into the drab gray and concrete walls of the prison building. I walk up to the visitor check-in desk and sign my name into the visitor's log.

"Ma'am, can I have your I.D. and the name on your application?" The guard at the desk asks politely.

"It's Callie Stevens, I'm with Hope Restoration Ministries." I say, handing the man my I.D. He nods as he scans my I.D. and goes to search for my application in the system.

"Here you are." The man says with a smile as he hands me my I.D. and a visitor's badge. "Now, you're going to have to check your bag. You can keep your Bible, a journal and a pen, but your purse and everything else in it will have to go in a locker. Once you've checked your bag, you'll have to go through security and then we'll take you to the visitation room."

I nod and hand him my bag. He checks it and hands me a claim ticket before allowing me to get in the security line. I take off my jacket and empty my pockets into a dish before waiting to be called to the scanner.

"Next," A guard says gruffly as I step through the security scanner. The light goes green and I'm allowed to collect my stuff. A different guard comes to escort me to the visitation room and I follow in silence, my mind occupied by thoughts of my impending visit with Julio.

When we enter the visitation room, the guard sits me down at a table in the corner, right under a sign that says, "hands must be visible at all times." I set my journal and my Bible on the table and lace my fingers together, my silver bracelets clanging together a little. My eyes travel around the room where a few other inmates are sitting in metal chairs talking to lawyers or distraught family members, their chained hands sitting on the table in full view of the guards. 

I hear a door open and the clanging of chains as a new inmate enters the visitation room. I resist the urge to turn eagerly towards the door, instead staring at the chair across from me, patiently waiting for it to be filled. The clanging of chains draws closer to me and I feel my heartbeat speed up as the guard scraps the metal chair across the floor. There's a flash of orange and suddenly the chair across from me is filled.

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