<Callie> A Girl Who Trusts God's Plan

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*Trigger Warning for Rape; no graphic details, but the recount may be triggering for some readers*

Chapter 21

<Callie Stevens>

It's near four P.M. and I'm in the visitation room, tapping my freshly painted fingernails on the metal table as I wait for the guards to bring Julio in. It's later than our usual visitation times, but Julio has to work at a different time on Fridays, so our visits got pushed back. 

I look around the vast, monochrome room, the same cast of characters surrounding me, just like the rest of my first week here. The atmosphere is thick with the tension of legal conversations or hushed fights with loved ones and the sadness sets in as I think about how this is what these guys have to deal with everyday of their lives. I draw in a deep breath, trying to keep myself from letting my sadness show.

The door to the visitation room opens and I hear the clanging of chains as Julio is brought into the room. I watch as the guard shoves him gruffly across the room to the chair in front of me and forces him down. He unlocks the chains and then refastens them, so that Julio can set his hands on the table in between us. I wait for the guard to leave before I open my mouth to speak.

"So, I wanted to start off today just checking in with you. I know we've been doing a lot of lessons this week and I just want you to know that I'm here to listen as much as I am to teach, if not more."

"Callie, it's hard for me to talk about my life. I promise I'll open up when I'm ready, but I just can't right now." Julio says, lacing his fingers together.

"I respect that, Julio, I just want you to know that I'm here for you and that I want to help you. I want you to be able to trust me, so that I can help you to the best of my ability."

"Callie, I'm still learning to trust people. It doesn't come easy to me, but I'm working on it. Just know that everything you're doing is bringing me one step closer to that."

I nod and open the spot in my Bible where I stashed my lesson notes for today. I pull them out and look up at Julio.

"So, continuing with our theme from this week, I want to emphasize your worthiness in God's eyes. The first verse I want to share with you is 2nd Timothy chapter 1, verse 16." I clear my throat and then begin to read. "The Lord give mercy unto the house of On-e-siph'o-rus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain."

"What does this verse mean to you?" I ask, closing my Bible slowly.

"Christians will still embrace you even if you are in chains." Julio jangles his chains a little for emphasis.

"You're right, Julio." I say with a bright smile. "2nd Timothy was written while Paul was imprisoned. He had been forsaken by a lot of people during his travels and he is writing to Timothy, telling him to preserve the scripture and keep spreading it no matter what. On-e-siph'o-rus was one of the only people who cared for Paul during this imprisonment and he serves as an example for the Christian attitude. You're supposed to help your neighbor, especially when they are in need. Christians are not supposed to only hang out with Christians. They aren't supposed to only hang out with those they believe are on their same level. They are supposed to care for all people."

"None of the Christians I knew ever acted like On-e-siph'o-rus. They wouldn't even look at me or my friends, even though they claimed to be the saviors of my little neighborhood." Julio's eyes darken as he moves his hands to his lap. "They called us infieles sucios; dirty infidels. It was the only Spanish they ever learned."

"Gosh, I'm so sorry." I say, struggling to find the right words to convey my disgust with those people. "I hope you know that's not what Christianity is."

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