<Callie> A Girl Who Likes the Sound of His Voice

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Chapter 11

<Callie Stevens>

It was the first time I had heard his voice directed at me in nearly five years. When he first moved, we would talk on the phone and video chat, but after a few months, he got busy. He stopped answering when I called and then I stopped calling. But now, in the dead of the night, he called and I picked up without hesitation. His voice was slow and sleepy, his words a little slurred, but it was his voice. It was still the voice I fell in love with all those years ago.

"I'm good," I say, a smile spreading across my lips. "You sound happy."

"I'm talking to you, how could I not be?" Jasper says, his voice slowly and raspy.

"I haven't talked to you in so long."

"I'm so sorry about that, Callie, I was an idiot." Jasper says, the ends of his words slurring together in a melodic drunkenness. It's both alarming and comforting all at the same time. "You have no idea how many times I thought about calling you, how many times I thought about jumping on a plane and coming to surprise you, but things got busy and I got angry and I didn't know what to do anymore, so I shut myself off."

There's silence on my end of the line and I hear Jasper chuckle a little, the rasp in his laugh reminiscent of a seasoned smoker. I bite my lip, a knot of guilt and worry settling in my stomach.

"Look at me, talking to you like you're my therapist. I'm just as helpless as the day you met me." Jasper lets out a noise that sounds like a cross between a snort and a scoff.

"We all have our ups and downs, Jasper." I reply, my voice sounding soft and gentle.

"There's my sunshine. I've missed you, Callie. I've been having a lot more downs than ups lately."

"I'm sorry L.A. isn't all you thought it'd be."

"I discovered quickly that the reason it wasn't all I'd hoped and dreamed was because you were 1300 miles away instead of sitting next to me." Jasper admits, his voice barely above a whisper.

I know he's only saying these things because he's drunk. I know he probably won't remember what he's said in the morning, but part of me wants to believe him. Part of me wants to fall into his words and let the four years of silence melt away. Part of me wants to let his raspy, drug-addled voice speak soft alcohol-induced romanticism in my ear. Part of me wants to hop on a plane and show up at his door-step and hold him close. But most of me just wants him to keep talking, wants to keep hear his voice because God only knows how long it'll be until I get to hear it again.


"Yeah, I'm here," And I'm never leaving, not again.

"How's school going?" Jasper asks, his whispery romanticism melting into a peppy, conversational tone.

"It's good. I'm studying psychology and counseling. I'm actually graduating on Saturday."

"That's so amazing. I'm so proud of you, baby." Jasper replies, the pet name slipping effortlessly from his lips. I smile to myself, loving the sound of him calling me that even after so many years apart.

"I have an extra ticket..." My voice trails off, hoping he'll take the hint.

"Oh," Jasper says, surprise evident in his tone. "I'll have to see if my babysitters will let me out."

"I hope that's a joke."

"I wish it was," Jasper sighs deeply and the sadness in his exhalation makes my heart hurt. "I'm a bit more of a mess than you remember. My manager is trying to keep me in line by locking me in my apartment."

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