<Jasper> A Boy who just Wants to Feel Better

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Chapter 16

<Jasper Coven>

"I'm sorry, sir, but my boss doesn't want our label associated with someone like him." Ms. Jameson, an A&R representative at Evergreen Records, says with a disappointed look in her eyes. "It's out of my hands, Mr. Silverman, and it sucks, cause I know like hell he'd be a great fit for our label."

I bite my lip and look dejectedly at my lap, my fingers twirling a loose thread on my sweater absentmindedly.

"How did this happen? Just a few weeks ago you were falling all over him. You were willing to go up against Mr. Olson to get Jasper out of his contract." Isaac sighs, running a hand through his graying hair.

"We heard about Jasper's little outburst, we saw all the videos he posted. My boss doesn't want to incur the wrath of Mr. Olson nor does he want someone who clearly doesn't respect his label. Off the record, I thought it was badass that Jasper posted all those songs online, but my boss was less than entertained."

"Well, I'm sorry we wasted your time." Isaac replies politely.

"I'm sorry we couldn't give you a deal and, Jasper," She turns to face me, her blue eyes full of pity. "You're really talented, please don't think of my boss's rejection as a reflection of you."

But it's all because of something I did...

"Thank you, Ms. Jameson, we won't take up any more of your time." Isaac says and stands up, prompting me to do the same. Ms. Jameson nods and I walk towards the door without another word.

I feel Isaac's comforting hand on my back as he leads me to the elevator and then out to my awaiting car. I keep it all together until the pair of us slip into the backseat and then I bury my face in my hands, hot, ashamed tears burning my cheeks. Isaac continues to pat my back as we pull out onto the main road, heading back towards my penthouse. I look up and see Isaac pull a little leather journal out of his pocket, clicking a pen in his hand. He crosses out the last name on his list and slips the journal back into his pocket.

"That's twenty labels, Isaac, and none of them want me. I'm done, there's absolutely no hope for me." I hiss, the tears tightening on my face.

"Those aren't the only labels, Jasper." Isaac replies softly. "There are labels all over the country. Maybe a change of scenery would be nice."

"It wouldn't matter. All of them would find out what I did and then recant their interest." I cross my arms over my chest and stare out the window, willing myself to not cry again.

"Have a little faith, Jasper, I'm going to fix this, no matter what it takes." Isaac pats my shoulder as the car pulls into the garage for my building. "You're just going to have to give me some time."

"Thanks, Isaac," I nod as I step out of the car. I press the elevator button and ride up to my penthouse on the top floor. Once inside, I lock the door and seriously consider opening up the new bottle of tequila I picked up last night. I shake the thought from my head and plop down on the couch. I turn on the TV and begin channel surfing. I settle on a gossip show Callie and I used to watch together on Saturday mornings. I lean back on the comfy suede of the couch and snort at the idiocy of my fellow Hollywood residents.

I tune out the show until Jefferson Delani comes on the screen. Mr. Olson has his arm around him and the pair of them are standing on the street in front of my old record label. I lean forward, my blood boiling in my veins.

"I would just like to thank Mr. Olson and his entire team for their courageous decision last week. I feel a lot safer at this label now and am excited to announce that my contract has been renewed for another five years. I'm very excited to be given the continued opportunity to make music, especially with a genius like Ron Olson." The image of Jefferson cuts back to an anchor in the studio.

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