<Jasper> A Boy Who Lives in a Haze

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Chapter 28

<Jasper Coven>

Two months, that's how long Mateo has been in my life supplying me with my white powder lifeline. It seems like I see him every day, the cravings having grown stronger in the absence of a job. I laze around the house, constantly doped up and waiting for the high to wear off so I can put the needle back in my arm and put myself back in the haze. The black curtains are always drawn, slivers of sunlight occasionally cutting across the floor are the only interruptions to my constant darkness.

The phone rings in the kitchen. I let it continue to ring, my eyes staring blankly at a stain on the carpet. It finishes and the house goes silent. A deep exhale escapes my lip as I lean back in the safety of the lumpy couch. The high is starting to wear off; the warm, comfortable haze dissipating and bringing me back to the reality of the dark, dank house. I stand up, the need for escape making me itch. As I'm about to grab a new needle and the white powder, the phone rings again. With a sigh, I walk out to the kitchen, every intent of hanging up. I check the caller I.D. and see "Robin Tate" on the screen. Rolling my eyes, I pick up.

"How may I help you?" I say, the withdrawal edge making my voice sound more angry than depressed.

"We're having an open house tomorrow. I need you out."

"Shouldn't be that hard, all my stuff is already in storage."

"I don't know why you don't just go buy your own apartment. There isn't anything left for you in that house except for that tiny bedroom upstairs that you refuse to clean out no matter how much I beg you." Robin huffs.

"You know the deal. Someone buys the house and I'll clean out the room."

"Be out by noon so we can come clean the house before people start arriving."

I mumble a reply and then hang up without waiting to hear what she says. Leaning against the counter, I pour some heroin into one of my mom's good silver spoons. I flick on my lighter and begin heating up the spoon until the powder dissolves. The cap pops easily off the needle, the gleaming silver tip promising me relief.

I suck up the liquid with the needle and coax it gently under my skin. Inhaling deeply, the warm feeling slowly begins to come back. While I wait for the high to set in, I pop frozen alfredo into the microwave. In the absence of my mom, frozen meals are the only way I get any food in my system.

The beep of the microwave and the knock at the door coincide. I take my meal out of the microwave and peel back the film. I open the trashcan and toss the needle and the packaging from the meal on top before grabbing a fork from the drawer next to the sink. I amble down the dark hallway towards the insistent knocking on the battered front door. I turn the handle and pull it open, interrupting the person mid-knock. I glare at the red-headed culprit and lean against the doorway. I stick a bite of alfredo in my mouth before speaking.

"What the hell do you want?"

Abigail looks taken aback by my aggressive tone, but, like usual, she recovers quickly.

"You look like shit."

"Thanks. Is that what you came here for?" I ask as I take another bite of my alfredo.

"No," Abigail pinches her nose. "I came to see if the rumors were true."

"What rumors?"

Her eyes are watering as she continues to pinch her nose.

"That you were back, that you were selling your house..."

Whatever is bothering Abigail's nose has apparently become unbearable and she curses under her breath.

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