<Callie> A Girl Who Should Move On

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Chapter 5

<Callie Stevens>

"Callie, baby, it's almost three. What time did you say you were going to head out?" My mom asks from the hallway in front of my room.

"Oh, about an hour ago." I say as I frantically search my room for my missing Converse.

"You need some help, sweetheart?" My mom says, leaning against the doorframe with a smile on her face.

"No, I just need to get going." I reply as I locate the missing shoe under my bed. I stand up victorious, brandishing the shoe like a prize. My mom chuckles as I toss it into my weekend bag.

"I'm glad you came, sweetheart, I know it means a lot to Henry to have his big sister here."

"I'm glad I could come, Mama. Henry's gotten so big."

"These things do happen. You got pretty big too, baby." My mom tucks a piece of hair behind her ear as I stand up, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "I can't believe you're about to graduate college."

"I still have to get through finals, Mama."

"But then you'll graduate and be off in the world," My mom says, drawing in a deep breath.

"And ruining my life, apparently." I say, a gleam in my eyes.

"Callie, you have to see things from my point of view. I'm not going to stop you, and I can't, but you can't stop me from worrying. I mean, do you even know what you're getting yourself into? Do you know the kinds of people you're about to get involved with?"

"Mom, they're people who need saving. I know exactly what I'm getting into." I say with a note of finality in my tone. "I'm done fighting about this."

"I'm sorry, Callie," My mom replies, exhaling deeply. "I'll get used to the idea at some point."

"I love you, mom." I smile at her and wrap my arm around her waist as we both head down to the front door where my dad and Henry are already waiting. I drop my bag and pull Henry into my arms. He kisses my cheek and wraps his arms around my neck.

"I love you, Callie, please come back soon." He whispers in my ear.

"I'll be back very soon, Henry." I kiss the top of his head before setting him down, so I can hug my dad.

"Good luck on your finals, sweetheart. See you very soon." My dad kisses my cheek and then picks up my bag from the floor. The four of us walk out to my car and I slip into the driver's seat. I pop the trunk and my father drops my bag inside for me. He slams the trunk and comes back to my open window to give me another hug goodbye. My family moves onto the porch and waves to me as I back out of the driveway. I turn on the radio for company and continue to drive towards the highway that will take me back to Austin and my impending finals.

About halfway through my drive, the dashboard displays a nearly empty tank, so I'm forced to pull into a gas station and fill up. As I'm waiting for the car to fill up, I pull out my phone to check my messages, an activity I'd neglected due to my busy weekend. I click on the green phone icon and the first missed call makes my heart skip a beat. He hasn't called in years. Jasper didn't leave a message, but his name on my display was enough to bring a painful wave of sadness and nostalgia over me. I click on his number and put the phone to my ear, the ringing causing my anxiety to spike. I exhale a deep, disappointed breath when I get his voicemail. I wait until the tone to leave my message.

"Hey, Jasper, it's me. I guess you're too busy to talk right now, not that I'd know what to say to you if you had picked up, but I just wanted you to know that I'm still here, I've always been here, and I don't like our silence. That's it, that's all I can bear to say right now so...Bye." I quickly hang up, mentally cursing myself for even leaving a message.

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