<Callie> A Girl Who is Getting to Know Julio's World

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Chapter 31

<Callie Stevens>

The oven dings and I brush my hands on my apron as I go to get my cinnamon sugar monkey bread before it burns. I pat Andrew's shoulder and bend down to pull the pan out and set it on the counter next to the bowl of fruit I had spent the morning cutting up. Andrew is busy at the stove making scrambled eggs and sausage, a dish towel draped over his shoulder. I kiss his cheek, my arm wrapped around his waist.

"Smells delicious, honey."

"Thanks, baby, how long until everyone arrives?" Andrew turns and kisses my forehead.

"About fifteen minutes. I should probably go get the sheets and the Bibles ready."

I let go of Andrew and go to my room to get the materials Katie lent me, so Andrew and I could host a Bible study for our neighbors. Arms laden with paper and Bibles, I walk back to the living room and set them on the coffee table. I go to grab the food, the pot of coffee and the bottle of orange juice. I set the food in the middle of the table, flanked by the Bible study materials.

Andrew brings the bowl of scrambled eggs and the plate of sausages to the table. He sets them down as someone knocks on the door. I take off my apron and hang it in the kitchen as I go to open the door. I find Katie and some other people from Hope Restoration. I hug her and usher them all into the living room. Someone else knocks at the door and I go to open it. I find a couple of our neighbors from upstairs, mostly people we only see when we go check our mail in the lobby. I invite them in with a smile and watch as they join the group already in the living room. I'm about to close the door when a woman and her young daughter appear.

"Is this the Bible study? My friend sent me this flyer. I don't live in the building." The woman says, holding out a flyer that Andrew and I had posted on the community bulletin board in the lobby.

"Yeah, I'm Callie." I say and open the door so the woman can walk in.

"I'm Vanessa," The woman shakes my hand politely and ruffles her daughter's hair. "And this is Luciana."

I look down at Luciana and then back at Vanessa, my heart skipping a beat. They are carbon copies of the picture Julio showed me. Vanessa brushes dark hair out of her eyes, her piercing gaze taking in my apartment. Luciana, a mini-version of Julio, is playing with her doll and staring at the ground, a pink teddy bear coat zipped up to her chin.

"Would you guys like some food?" I say closing the door behind them.

"I'm hungry, mama." Luciana puffs her bottom lip as she looks up at Vanessa.

"Can I get you anything to drink? We've got orange juice and coffee at the table and I can make some tea or hot chocolate in the kitchen."

"Hot chocolate," Luciana's eyes light up, making Vanessa chuckle.

"Two hot chocolates sound great. We'll come help." Vanessa says as she follows me into the kitchen.

"Thanks so much, Vanessa. Can you grab a couple of mugs from the cabinet?" I ask as I turn the kettle on.

Vanessa sets down the mugs and leans against the counter as Luciana wanders around the kitchen, her doll hanging precariously from her hand. Silence falls between us, the sounds of the other guests in the living room wafting into the kitchen. The kettle whistles and Vanessa rips open the envelopes of hot chocolate as I fill the mugs. Luciana takes her mug from me and walks into the living room.

"She's a handful," Vanessa laughs softly as she picks up her mug.

"I can imagine. Are you all on your own?" I ask, even though I know the answer. She has to open up to me on her own.

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