<Callie> A Girl Who Has to Let Go

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Chapter 45

<Callie Stevens>

I'm in Mike's Diner early Friday morning. Jasper is getting released this morning. I wanted to go but no one could cover my shift, so I told his mom I'd meet them for dinner tonight to congratulate him on his early release. Pete and I are currently rushing around the small diner, setting down plates of steaming hot pancakes and refilling coffee as Joe, the fry cook, yells more orders out from the back. I let out a sigh as I walk back to the kitchen to grab my next set of orders.

"You doing okay?" Pete asks as he balances a large tray of French toast and scrambled eggs on his arm.

"I enjoy being kept busy." I grin and pick up a tray of my own.

"You sleeping any better?"

"I'm averaging six hours of sleep a night, so that's an improvement." I run my fingers through the end of my ponytail. "I went to the doctor and he gave me a prescription sleep aid."

"I'm glad you took my advice. You look like you're doing better."

I nod as the pair of us head back to the floor to unload our heavy trays on the hungry customers. Once we're finished and the rush has calmed down, Pete and I take our morning break. I grab my phone from my purse and follow Pete to the back alley to hang out with him while he smokes. I lean against the concrete of the building and scroll through my missed messages as he puffs smoke rings at the gray sky.

"Any word from your boyfriend about when he'll be home?"

"I talked to him a few days ago. It'll be about three weeks before he can come home."

"You can make it three weeks, champ, you've already made it eight months." Pete pats my shoulder as he takes another drag of his cigarette. "You gonna quit the diner after he gets back?"

"You trying to get rid of me or something?" I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest. "I think I'll keep the job. What would I do to distract myself the next time he gets deployed?"

"Maybe get a hobby, knit or something."

"Do I strike you as the knitting type?"

"You didn't strike me as the prescription sleep aid type either. I guess people can surprise you."

I roll my eyes as my phone begins to ring. Andrew's mom's number pops up on my screen and I bite my lip, confused by her calling so early in the morning. I hold up my finger to silence Pete as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I ask, my voice wavering.

"Callie, I need you to come right now." Andrew's mom chokes out.

"I'm leaving work. I'll be there ASAP." I hang up and turn to Pete with an anxious expression.

He puts out his cigarette and pushes himself away from the concrete wall.

"Can you drive me to Houston?" I ask, barely audible, my hands shaking uncontrollably.

Pete nods without hesitation and I lead him towards my car, handing him the keys. He helps me into the passenger's seat before taking his place behind the wheel. He calls our boss and tells him that there was a family emergency. Our boss tells us it is no problem and to just take care of ourselves. The rest of the ride is silent and from the neutrality of his expression, I can tell Pete already knows what is going on. I try to focus on the road ahead of me, offering him directions until Andrew's parent's house comes into view. Andrew's mom is standing on the front porch wrapped in a robe, her eyes puffy and red. His dad is seated in a rocking chair, stone-faced and trying to sip on a mug of coffee with a shaking hand. Pete pulls to a stop and kills the engine.

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