<Callie> A Girl Who Is Going to be Alone Again

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Chapter 33

<Callie Stevens>

"Hey, babe, I brought the mail up." I call out as I walk into mine and Andrew's apartment.

I smile as I take a seat on the couch that we bought together during our first month sharing an apartment. The leather is wrinkled and there are two imprints from where we've spent many nights reading and watching TV and talking late into the night. I take a seat on my favorite side of the couch and rifle through the mail. I toss a few bills and magazines to the side. About midway through the pile, a letter for Andrew catches my eye. It's from the United States Air Force Recruitment Office in San Antonio.

"Anything good come in the mail?" Andrew walks out of our bedroom in a pair of sweatpants, towel-drying his hair.

I hold up the letter and his face goes pale.

"Were you ever going to tell me about this?" I stand up and shove the letter at him.

Andrew opens the letter, his eyes scanning its contents. He bites his lip as he shoves the letter in his pocket. He looks up at me, worry etched into his features.

"I didn't want to worry you if it didn't work out."

"Well, did it?" I cross my arms over my chest, and he nods without meeting my glare. "Andrew, it doesn't matter if you thought it would worry me, it's something we need to talk about if you're serious about it. Why would you keep something like this from me?"

"Callie, someone needs to be able to pay rent and food here. I thought I should explore all my options. I was almost in the Air Force ROTC when I started college, and I thought maybe I still had what it took, and apparently I do."

"And that's great for you, but that doesn't change the fact that you didn't even tell me you were thinking about it. You kept it from me until it was finalized. We're supposed to be thinking about each other when we make decisions now. It isn't about me or you; it's about us." I look up at him, tears stinging my eyes. "Or at least I thought it was."

"Callie, it is about that. I'm making a decision that's good for both of us."

"Yeah, you're making the decision, not us making the decision." I feel my cheeks burning red. "And in whose world is you potentially dying a good decision for both of us?"

"It's good money and good benefits and it will let you keep doing Hope Restoration."

"Andrew, if this is what it takes to keep doing it, if potentially losing you is the price I have to pay, then I never want to set foot in that prison again."

"Why are you acting like my death is assured?" Andrew clenches his fists.

"Why are you acting like nothing bad is going to happen?" I yell back.

"I'm just as scared about this as you are, Callie."

"But you're still doing it." Frustrated tears burn my cheeks as I look at him.

"Because you can't live your life avoiding things you're scared of, because one of us has to do something." Andrew matches my tone, his words cutting me like a knife.

My face crumples and Andrew's anger deflates as he notices what his words have done to me. He tries to walk towards me but I sidestep him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"I didn't mean it."

"Well, you said it." I shake my head. "I didn't ask you to make this sacrifice. Heck, I didn't even know you were making this sacrifice because you couldn't even be bothered to tell me. You can't pin this on me and pretend that you're the only one who can make sacrifices in this relationship."

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