<Callie> A Girl Who Doesn't Understand What He Has Become

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Chapter 39

<Callie Stevens>

I can't turn away from the sight of Jasper being shoved into the back of a police car. Julio rubs circles on my arms, trying to gauge whether I want him to hold me. I continue to watch the police car as it drives away, the red and blue lights mixing with the storm clouds that are gathering over Everington.

I bite my lip, trying to prevent myself from crying. Julio sees me collapse and pulls me into a hug, his arms wrapped tightly around me like he's trying to protect me from what we just witnessed. I let him hold me close as hot tears pour over my cheeks. A sob escapes my lips, piercing the tension of the night air. I draw in a deep breath and try to calm myself down as Julio whispers comforting words to me. I nod after every sentence, willing his words to push the memory from my brain.

After a few minutes of consolation, I open my eyes and look over Julio's shoulder, my gaze meeting Jasper's mom's watery eyes. Her lip is quivering as she looks at me, Ashley on her arm and Sophie at her feet. Sophie's small face is contorted, her eyebrows knitted together as she tugs on her dad's tuxedo jacket and asks him where Jasper went and why Jasper was in the police car.

An older woman, who I'm assuming is Ashley's mom, comes over and takes Sophie's hand, leading her back inside with the promise of a second slice of cake. I let go of Julio and walk over to Ms. Delilah. Without saying a word, we both break down and she pulls me into a hug. I rub comforting circles on her back as she sobs into my shoulder.

"They just took him, right in front of me." Delilah sniffles, her arms still wrapped tightly around me. "What was he even doing? How did they know he had the drugs?"

"I don't know. I can't believe it happened either."

"I can't believe I couldn't help him. I'm his mother. I should've helped him before something like this happened."

"You can't blame yourself, Delilah." Ashley says, rubbing her back. "He made his choice, and,"

"And what? Now, he has to live with the consequences?" Delilah says as she lets go of me and turns to face Ashley.

"Delilah, don't get mad at him, not on your wedding night." Mrs. Arthurs says as she joins the group. "I know you don't want to hear it, but Jasper chose to do this to himself. He knew what could happen."

"He needs help, not prison." Delilah screams, her makeup streaking her face. "Addiction is a disease. His father was an addict his whole life. It's in Jasper's genes."

"That may be so, but it's a disease he's going to have to be treated for in prison." Mrs. Arthurs replies calmly. "He can't be treated for it at home. Abigail and I tried."

"Clearly not hard enough since he kept doing drugs right under your nose." Delilah says as more tears spill onto her cheeks. "I just wanted him to end up okay. How did I screw up this badly?"

She collapses into Mrs. Arthurs embrace as I walk over to Abigail, who is on the phone and staring at the space the police car just vacated.

"Isaac, you said to call if Jasper started to go south," Abigail begins and rubs the back of her neck. "Jasper got arrested, for possession I think."

Abigail's side of the conversation goes silent as she listens to what Isaac, whoever that may be, is telling her. She nods and begins to pace as she listens to him, her heels scuffing on the sidewalk.

"Wait, you don't want him to post bail? Why?" She continues to pace, gnawing nervously on her thumbnail.

"Okay, and when will his lawyer arrive?" She asks as she pauses in the middle of her pacing. "I will pick him up from the airport in three days. Thank you so much, Isaac, I will keep you updated on his situation."

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