Chapter 2

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"I got a call from school today," My mom said, leaning against my door frame. I shrugged.

"And?" I responded, completely uninterested. Why was she here to tell me anyway? It's not like she actaully cared what they could have possibly told her. She must have gotten at least 20 calls already, saying I was late to class all the time, and I wasn't turning in assignments. She hadn't said anything at all, which only proved to me that she didn't care. 

"The teacher said he was Mr. Hoino or something," She said, and I snorted. Of course she hadn't paid any attention to the phone call. "He said that you have 'great potential' or some shit, and he said that you should do tutoring classes with him after school." I scowled.

"I'm not going," I said. I saw irritation cross her face.

"Yes, Mitchell, you are," She snapped.

"Why?!" I yelled. 

"Because I said so!" That did it. I just could not take it anymore.

"i'm tired of your shit!" I yelled. "You can't do drugs and alcohol and waste away your fucking life, and not give a damn about me or what I do, and then come to my room and tell me what to fucking do! I don't care what you say! I am not going!" I yelled. We both stood there, shocked at my outburst. Then she did the unspeakable.

She walked forward and raised her hand. And she slapped me, right across my face. I felt tears jump to my eyes immediately and I had to clench my teeth to not burst into tears. She grabbed my chin and looked me straight in the eyes, her face inches from mine.

"Now you listen to me young man. You have no right to yell at me or speak to me that way. I am your mother, and I have custody over you because you're 17 years old. You live under my roof. You will do as I say, or face the consequences. You're going to speak to your teacher, and you're doing the tutoring. Understand?" She asked, not loosening her grip on my chin. I nodded as best as I could and she released me, exiting my room. 

I jumped up and shoved my phone in my pocket. I ran down the stairs and past the living room where I knew she was. I made my way to the back door and ran out into the street. I ran and ran, not knowing where I was going, I just knew that I needed to get away from my house. 

A thousand thoughts invaded my head as I ran. My mom had never hit me before. When I was little, she had told me that she would never lay a finger on me. She told me she loved me too much. 

I can't believe I didn't see through her lies. 

I ended up at Kirstie's house. Kirstie was a senior, one year older than me. She was a good student, and got along well with all the teachers. She was the girl that was friends with every and any one. She was beautiful, but she treated me like a younger brother and Ioved her like a sister She was dating Jeremy Lewis, a nice boy who was on the track and field team. I smiled fondly as I remembered the day we met. 


I kicked the locker. I had stayed afterschool and had been walking around aimlessly, glad to be away from my mother. The previous afternoon had been particularly rough. Apparently, pure sex hadn't been enough for the drug dealer. He had forced me to blow him, and hit me repeatedly when it wasn't enough for him. I had come home bruised and battered, and my mom hadn't even blinked, just reached up expectantly for the illegal substances. 

I looked up and saw a girl walking towards me, carrying a box. I leaned against the lockers and waited for her to pass me. She stopped in front of me and set the box down. She was around my height, a little taller because she was wearing high heels. I looked at her in confusion. 

"You look upset. Wanna talk about it?" She asked sympathetically. I opened my mouth to say no, but memories from yesterday flooded my mind again. I slid down with my back on the lockers, sitting down. I sensed the girl sit next to me, and she patted my shoulder. I swallowed thickly and began telling her. Everything. Even though I didn't know her, only having seen her around school a few times, I felt like I could trust her. She had a calming aura about her, and it made me feel safe. She was the type of person anyone would want as a friend.

When I finished, she didn't begin talking about getting rehab for my mom or calling the cops on my mom. She didn't look disgusted. She just held her arms open and I threw myself into them. Her embrace was warm and comforting, and I felt a sense of relief that I had gotten it all off my chest. 

We exchanged numbers, and she offered to bring me to her house. I accepted, and I went with her to the office where she had to drop off the sample yearbooks for this year.

When we arrived at her house, we watched tv and she gave me something to eat.

When it was time for me to leave, she led me to the door. "Feel free to come to my house whenever you want Mitch. I'll always be here for you," She said as she pulled me in for another hug. I nodded and hugged her back, reluctanct to go home and be back with my mother.

Flashback over

I ran up the steps and knocked on the door with no hesitation. Kirstie opened the door and when she saw the look on my face, she said nothing, only hugged me. I had to fight to hold back the tears again. She took me up to her room and I sat down on her bed, which had baby blue sheets and pillows. She sat at her chair in front of her desk and rolled over on her chair so she was beside the bed.

"What happened Mitch?" She asked softly. I sniffed and pointed to my cheek. She didn't seem to get it, so I knew I had to speak.

"She hit me," I said, my voice wavering. She gasped and grabbed my chin, and her touch was gentle, unlike my mom's. She inspected the mark and gestured for me to stay in place. She returned moments later with an icepack and wrapped it in a small blue towel, and handed it to me. I told her about the tutoring, and pretty much everything else, and she listened without interruption.

"It looks like you're gonna have to do the tutoring," She began.

"I don't want to go. I don't care," I said.

"Mr. Hoying is a good teacher, Mitch," She said.

"No he's not. He's mean," I whined.

"Just do the tutoring, it won't be so bad. You might as well appease your mother somehow," She said, and I knew she had a point. I sighed and nodded. 

"Fine, I'll do it. How do you know Mr. Hoying anyway? You're in 12th grade honors science," I said, confused.

"He teaches AP science during junior lunch," She said matter-of-factly and I rolled my eyes. Of course.

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