Chapter 20

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I was trying to delay this but y'all are impatient(just like me) so here you go. I apologize in advance.

I was sitting in the police station, waiting for more questioning. I knew Scott was in the next room being questioned. I was scared on behalf of both myself and Scott, because I knew what could happen, but I had no idea what was going to happen. I wanted everything to be okay. I wanted things to be simple again. My head snapped up when the door opened and Scott walked in wearing handcuffs and a solemn expression. The police man led Scott over to the chair next to me and went to sit across from both of us when his radio that was hanging on his pocket. He put it up to his ear. 

"And they're demanding to see him? Okay. I'll be right there," He said. He turned to us. 

"I have to go deal with something, but I'll be back. Stay put," He told us, and walked out of the office, shutting the door behind us. The tension was thick, and he wasn't looking at me. I wanted him to look at me. I wanted him to say something. I didn't want this silence. 

"Scott, I-" He cut me off. 

"There's nothing to say, Mitch. Dont say anything," He said, not meeting my eyes. 

"I just want you to know I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, Scott," I said. 

"You're right," He said. "It would've been better if this had never happened in the first place. We're both in trouble now."


"Kirstie knows, Jonah knows, honestly Mitch, who else did you tell? This was supposed to be kept a secret! I thought I could trust you!" Scott whisper-yelled at me, and I knew that if he wasn't handcuffed he would be running his fingers through his hair. I felt tears in my eyes. He was mad at me, no mad was an understatement. He was furious, and it was all my fault.

"I'm s- sorry Scott... Jonah wasn't my fault, you know that-"

"Yes, it was! You said no one was at your house when I went over! I thought- You- you could have been more careful! I thought you cared about me enough to at least put effort into keeping this a secret," He yelled. I was sobbing now, but there was no sympathy in his blue eyes, only anger.

"Scott, I tried. I love you, you know that. I'm sorry-"

"No, Mitch. There have been too many close calls, and this time we don't get to just say we'll try better next time. This time, it's over. I'm probably going to jail, if not worse. And your reputation is probably ruined. I'm sorry for ruining your life, Mitch," He said. He finally met my eyes, and his were guarded. "There's no way this could work out anymore. This, us, you and me, we're over." He hung his head again. I stared at him in disbelief and the lump in my throat was getting bigger and harder to swallow.

I knew I was crying, and I knew he was not.

"Does it really have to be like this?" I choked out. He nodded wordlessly and before I had the chance to say anything else the police man walked in. He stopped when he saw that I was crying.

"Mitch, it's okay to cry. You're safe from him now. He can't manipulate you any longer," He said, and I knew he was trying to ne kind but in reality he was being stupid.

I didn't want to listen to the police man. I wanted to keep talking to Scott. I had given myself to Scott, emotionally and physically, and he had broken it off. We had both known the risks, but still we had pulled through with it. We had tried, and failed.

Were the last 6 months worth nothing? Would they be forgotten? I knew that I would never forget about Scott, even if I never saw him again. But what about him? Would he resent me for the rest of his life for being the cause of all his hard work going to waste? He didn't even teach at my school for a whole year, and I knew there was no doubt that he wasn't coming back here.

The police officer cleared his throat. "Scott, your friends Avriel Kaplan and Kevin Olusola are here demanding to see you. You may speak with them for 10 minutes and then you will be taken to the county jail to wait for your hearing in court. Anything else you'd like to say to the poor boy you've corrupted?" He said. Scott shot him a look that could've melted an entire freezer, but said nothing to me. He let himself be escorted out of the office, and the officer left the door open, and I took that as a sign that I was to follow him.

As I walked by the room where Avi and Kevin were seated, I made eye contact with both of them. Avi said nothing, but he looked worried. Kevin did the same. The police man gestured for me to wait and led Scott inside, directing him into a chair. He walked back out and closed the door, and then began walking again. I followed him and he led me to the lobby of the police station. "Would you be willing to speak against Scott in court?" He asked me. I scowled at him.

"No, I wouldn't be fucking willing to speak against him! If I can defend him, yes. But if I have to be against him, then in that case I am not interested. I think this is bullshit. Scott has done nothing wrong!" I said to him. He didn't say anything but he sighed and led me to where my mother was sitting talking to Bruce. I was surprised to see Jonah there as well.

My mom said nothing when she saw me but she walked out of the building, Bruce on her heels. I followed them, and I knew Jonah was close behind.

"I hope you're happy with yourself, jerk," I snapped at Jonah. He was walking with his hands in his pockets, and I was starting to think that the smirk was permanent on his face.

"I am. This is hilarious. C'mon dumbass, did you really think you'd get away with it? I was just toying with you when I fucked you. I was planning on telling sooner or later," He said. I wanted to lunge at him again, but it wouldn't do any good. The damage was done.

Everything was over.

I really don't know if this is long or not because I wrote this on my phone. My mom took away my laptop and her and I got in a fight soo yeah.

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