Chapter 17

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I woke up in Scott's arms, my head resting on his chest. The bottom half of our bodies were concealed by Scott's blanket, but our bare torsos were visible to each other. I craned my head a bit so I could look at his face, and I discovered that he was still sleeping. He looked peaceful and beautiful in the Saturday morning sunlight.

I ran my hand lightly over his sculpted chest. He moved his hand so it rested over mine and I looked up at his face. He was awake now, and he blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Good morning," I said quietly.

"Hey there. Did you enjoy last night?" He asked, sliding his hand under the blanket and resting it on my bare ass. I felt myself blush and he chuckled.

"No," I said, and his hand which had been massaging my rear stopped moving. He looked at me in confusion.

"Did I do something wrong-" I laughed and shushed him. 

"No, silly. You did nothing wrong. I didn't enjoy last night, enjoy doesn't even begin to cover what last night was like for me. I loved last night. I want to relive it. Forever," I said. He sighed in relief, and then raised his eyebrows. 

"A bit eager, aren't we?" He said. I blushed. Giving it one final squeeze, he moved his hand away from my ass and rolled over slowly, standing up. I bit my lip as I admired his naked body. He had a perfectly toned chest, his arms and legs were perfect, and his manhood... wow. And better yet, every inch of him was mine. 

"Are you enjoying the view?" He asked, smirking. I met his eyes and nodded seriously. It was his turn to blush. "Anyways, we should probably clean up. You did bring extra clothes, right?" I nodded. 

"I left them downstairs on your couch. I would've brought it up here but I was too busy being dragged up the stairs," I said. He placed his hands on his hips. 

"You weren't complaining about it last night," He muttered as he turned to his dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers from one of the drawers. He put them on. "You get in the shower, I'll join you once I bring your clothes up here." I bit my lip at the thought of what we could do together in the shower.. 

I let my thoughts wander as I stumbled into his bathroom. The pain in my rear was dull and minimal, because Scott had been extremely gentle with me, which I was grateful for. I turned on the light and walked over to the shower, turning on the water to a warm relaxing setting. I decided against that and turned up the hot water, getting the steaming hot shower I was hoping for. Hot enough to cause smoke to appear and for the smoke to fog the windows, but not too hot that it would cause discomfort.I got in and jumped slightly when the water touched my skin, but almost immediately relaxing. I stood under the shower head for a few moments. Suddenly I sensed the shower door opening and then closing. I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind. 

"Hello there," Scott's voice murmured, and I relaxed against his arms. For a few moments the only thing I could hear was the sound of him breathing next to my ear and the water pounding down on both of us. I turned around and his arms rested on my waist. I put my hand up to his face and lightly traced his strong jawline. He leaned down slowly and captured my mouth in his, kissing me softly. I pushed him back. 

"There'll be plenty of time to kiss me later, let's get cleaned up before we run out of hot water," I said. He nodded and grabbed the shampoo off of it's place on the rack.


Unfortunately, nothing had happened in the shower, but at least we had showered together. We were now on his couch, watching TV and eating cereal. I was sitting next to him, our shoulders touching. The door opened and Avi and Kevin walked in. A wave of deja vu washed over me, because this had happened before. It seems like it happened so long ago. I eyed them warily, expecting them to ignore me. Instead Kevin walked over to me and sat down on the couch right next to me. Avi sat in the arm chair next to the couch the three of us were sitting on. 

"So would you to like to apologize for all the noise you made last night?" Kevin asked, and I gaped at him. He was wearing an amused expression though. I looked up at Scott and he was blushing

"Sorry, I guess we were a bit loud," I said on behalf of both Scott and I. 

"A bit? Avi, didn't we hear them even when we started blasting music?" Kevin asked Avi. Avi grinned and nodded, playing along. 

"Yup. I think the whole neighborhood knows both of your names by now," Avi said pointedly, and Scott hung his head, but Mitch was completely unabashed. 

"Enough about our sex life. Why are you two being nice to me all of a sudden?" I asked them, looking back and forth between the two of them. They glanced at each other, and Kevin nodded slightly. 

"Well, we decided that if Scott is happy, we'll be happy too. The three of us have been friends for so long, it wouldn't be smart of us to let something wedge us apart," Kevin said. "And besides, Scott said this has been going on for, what, like, 5 months? 6? You guys are doing just fine at making sure you aren't caught. We're happy for you, and you seem like a nice kid." 

"I'm not a kid," I retorted. "I'm 18 years old." 

"Is that all you got from Kevin's speech?" Scott demanded. I grinned. 

"No, but it stuck out," I said. Scott raised one eyebrow at me (at least I think he did) and I sighed. "Ugh. Fine. Thank you for accepting us Kevin. I know it's a weird situation, but the two of us will make it work." Kevin smiled, and so did Avi. 

Kevin nudged my arm with his elbow. "Next time you two decide to get it on, warn us ahead of time, alright?" He said, waggling his eyebrows. I scowled in response.


"I'll see you later, alright?" Scott said as I got out of his car. We were a few blocks away from my house, and he was dropping me off so I could go home for a bit, although I would've much rather stayed at his house. I nodded and waved to him, watching him drive away. I walked to my house reluctantly.

I reached the door and stepped inside cautiously. I was immediately grabbed by the arm and yanked inside by my mom. "Where the hell have you been?" She snarled. I narrowed my eyes. 

"At a friend's house," I said, not meeting her eyes. 

"You're a fucking liar," She spit. 

"I'm not lying!" I yelled. She slapped me across the face. 

"Well, Jonah here tells me your fucking around with that teacher," She said, shoving me forward so I was standing in front of someone. And that someone happened to be the smirking figure of no one other than Jonah.


So it was brought to my attention that apparently I said I was going to quit wattpad because I wanted attention. Um, no. I said it because I wanted to warn you guys, I wasn't expecting one let alone all the kind messages I received from you guys, and I truly cherished each one. Even with all of that, I could still quit, but I'm going to keep writing because writing is what I love, and I need to remind myself that even if the stats on my stories go down I shouldn't just try to quit.

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