Chapter 12

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The worst is yet to come that is all I am gonna say

Please tell me if you guys like the new cover!! I suck at editing I'm sorry :p

I jumped up, the smile sliding right off my face. A million thoughts raced through my head at once. Was someone in the house? Had they been in here the entire time? I was in full panic mode now, and I didn't know what to do. Should I leave the house? What if it was my mom? Bruce? Jonah? 

I gulped and decided to go see. I walked towards the dark hallway, hesitating in the entryway. I flicked on the light, and saw no one. There was a small storage room down the hallway, maybe whoever it was would be in there. My heart was racing in fear and anticipation. I was about to find out who had seen Scott and I just now. I reached the door and placed my hand on the doorknob. I twisted it, and stood still in surprise when I realized it wasn't locked. 

I opened it, and gasped. Jonah. He was sitting at the small desk, with headphones in his ear. He was staring straight ahead, as if he were lost in thought. I could only wonder how much Jonah had seen while watching Scott and I. Had he seen the whole production? Had he only seen the end? I didn't know, but I intended to find out. I approached him and stood behind him, waiting for him to notice me. 

I was relieved that it was Jonah. If it had been my mom, there would have been no reasoning with her. Who knew what she was capable of. If it had been Bruce, I could have maybe reasoned with him, but he would no doubt tell my mom otherwise. But Jonah? He was easy to manipulate. He wasn't the brightest pea in the pod, and I had gotten him to do stuff for me before. 

"So you and the science teacher, huh?" Jonah asked me quietly, taking out one ear bud and then another. 

"How much did you see?" I asked him, ignoring his question.

"I saw enough. I know you're dating him, unless he's just using you or you're using him," He said. 

"Why didn't you go with my mom and Bruce?" I demanded, trying not to let the panic that was welling up inside of me escape me. 

"Because your mom said to stay and make sure that you don't leave the house," He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I took a deep breath. "So what are you planning on doing? Are you going to tell my mom? The principal" I asked, trying to placate him. I had to make him think I didn't care if he told. He stood up and slammed me into the wall. 

"Do you take me for some type of dumbass? Of course I'm gonna tell. That's sick," He said, a fire in his eyes.

"And what if I tell the police about your drug dealing?" I asked, egging him on. 

"Go ahead. I've escaped the cops so many times, it's not even funny anymore. I have something against you, Mitch," He said in a threatening tone. 

"What do you want from me?" I choked out. He chuckled. 

"You have the cutest little ass," He said, and he literally reached down and touched my rear in a way that did not make me feel comfortable. "Let me fuck you, and your secret's safe with me." I looked into his eyes, and I saw that he was serious. He wasn't joking, and I wanted to say no. 

But what if I did say no? What Scott and I had built in nearly two months was special. I couldn't lose him. We were going to stick by each other, and he would be with me fo rmy senior year. He had promised me, and I couldn't throw it away. 

"Okay," I said with a sob. Jonah smirked, and gestured upstairs, where my bedroom was. I took his hand and reluctantly followed him up the stairs. What have I done?


1 week later 

I walked down the hallway of my school as quickly as possible, trying to avoid every and anyone. I was honestly not in the mood to see Jonah nor Cindy or anyone. 

Jonah had decided to take me not once, not twice but 6 times since last week when he found out about Scott and I. I was powerless. I could only deal with it, and hiding it from Scott was hard enough. Jonah wasn't gentle with me, and hiding the recurring limp I had was hard. I was tired of it, and the effect was beginning to take it's toll on me. I put less effort into school work, and I was showing up late to class more and more. 

I stopped in my tracks when a hand grabbed my wrist. I looked up at the person and sighed in frustration when I was Jonah.

"What do you want?" I snapped in irritation. He jerked his head towards the boys bathroom, and I felt the sinking feeling reappear in my stomach. I didn't want to do this. 

"No, Jonah. We're in school-" 

"So? You'll come with me to the bathroom now or I'll march down to the office and tell the principal about you and your boyfriend," He said smugly, knowing I wouldn't deny it. I reluctantly walked to the bathroom. 

I was letting myself be used. And I hated myself for it. Oh, how I hated myself. I'm doing this for Scott, I reminded myself as Jonah pushed me into the stall. 


I tried to stifle my sobs as Jonah drove into me. I was pushed up against the stall door, and Jonah was taking me without mercy. He was grunting and not paying any attention to how much pain I was in. 

Finally, he released inside of me and I almost threw up at the feeling. This wasn't making me feel good. This wasn't pleasant for me. I felt absolutely disgusting. He pulled out of me and let me go so I fell on the floor, still a crying mess. I hated myself for doing this.

He pulled his pants back up and opened this stall, stepping over me and leaving the bathroom. I sat there against the door for a few minutes, trying to compose myself. No, I thought. I can't keep doing this. 

I stood up and cleaned myself up, pulling up my pants in disgust. I considered ditching school and going home. I wasn't in any mood to go to class for at least the rest of the day. I slid down against the bathroom wall. I decided I would ditch the class I had known, which was the second to last class of the day. I buried my face in my hands. The door to the bathroom opened, followed by footsteps. I could only hope that whoever it was would leave me alone. 

"MItch?" A voice asked, worry clear in their tone. I looked up and saw Scott's blue eyes staring down at me in concern.

So if you've ever wondered what I look like, a picture of me is now my profile pic. Ugly, I know. 

I already have the last chapter of this written and it's not even halfway done! Agh!  

I always forget something, Oh well. 


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