Chapter 3

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"Mitch, you actually bothered to show up to tutoring?" Mr. Hoying asked, completely bewildered. I sighed and flared my nostrils.

"Yes, Mr Hoying. I came to tutoring. But just because I showed up it doesn't mean I'm gonna enjoy this nor am I going to put up effort here," I warned and he licked his lips thoughtfully.

"I'll have to change that, Mitch. Now let's get started. But first- if you didn't want to come, why'd you show up? I specified that it was simply a suggestion," Mr. Hoying said, and I took a deep breath. I wasn't about to tell him what was going on with my mom, way too many people knew already. If they took my mom away, I would have nowhere to go. I would be put in an adoption center, and I did not want that.

"Well, I can't disobey my mom, now can I?" I asked slowly. 

"Considering all of the stuff you do with some other students, I wouldn't think of you as the obedient type," Mr. Hoying said, raising an eyebrow. My jaw clenched, and I saw him trying to read my face. I shook my head.

"Let's get on with this already. I have shit to do," I snapped, and sat down in the front desk, which was only feet away from the white board. He wrote some stuff down, and I copied it down, trying to stop thinking about, well, everything.


I laughed again as Mr. Hoying hit his head on the projector, for what seemed to be the 700th time. He yelped and rubbed his head, coming back to sit next to me.

"That thing will be the death of me.." Mr. Hoying muttered. I smirked and reached up, patting his head softly. He grinned at me and blushed. I stopped patting his head and let my hand rest there. His hair was soft, and my hand felt nice their. He had leaned over to look over my work, and he was directly in front of me. He straightened up and met my eyes. I let my gaze fall to his lips, and found myself admiring them. They were pink and looked soft. I looked back up and our eyes met again. He leaned forward slowly, cupping my face. 

The after school bell rang, making us jump apart. He jumped up and walked away, back to the front of the room. 'You can just, uh, leave your work on my desk. I'll correct it an- and get it back to you tomorrow," He said, not meeting my gaze. He was probably disgusted with himself. He had almost kissed me, and he was probably relieved that the bell had saved him. No one wanted to kiss me. 

Except Cindy, a small voice in my head said, and my head snapped up as I remembered that I had a date with her today. I stood up and quietly set my stuff down on Mr. Hoying's desk. He still had his back to me, and his head was bowed. 

I felt sick to my stomach. Why would he ever like me? I was his student. I wasn't attractive. I was unwanted and stupid. I suddenly no longer had an urge to go on the date. I'd just back out. She'd take it alright. She would be fine. She had so many other guys wrapped around her finger.

I ran out of the classroom and down the stairs, taking two at a time. Normally I'd take the bus, but I didn't want to be around anyone. Especially not Jonah. He'd try (and probably succeed) to convince me to go smoke a blunt with him, and I wanted, but I was not up for it. I just wanted to be alone. 


I walked into my house, and heard the tv on and voices coming from the living room. Did my mom seriously have someone over right now? What the heck? I walked in and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a familiar dirty blonde guy sitting on my couch. He turned and I gasped. It was Jonah. What the hell was he doing here?

"Jonah? What are you doing here? I don't remember inviting you over?" I said in confusion. He grinned and jerked his head to the side a little bit, and I looked to where he was gesturing. I saw my mom sat there, making out with a man. I looked closer, trying to recognize who the man could possibly be. He had dark blonder hair... and it looked just like...

"Is that your DAD?" I screeched at Jonah. Neither one of our parents looked up, but Jonah did, obviously surprised. He nodded.

"Yeah. Dude, he was like 'we're gonna go see my new girlfriend today' and I was like SICK! My old man finally managed to score. We arrive here, at your house and I was confused as hell. She greeted him at the door and they were like kissing and shit. So yeah I guess we're brothers," Jonah said, raising his fist. I eyed it, not moving to give him a fist pump. He got the hint and slowly put his hand down

I had no idea what to feel. My mom had never dated anyone after my dad left, I had guessed she wouldn't. And now here she was, sucking face with Jonah's dad. I couldn't help but wonder if Jonah and his dad's entrance into our lives would benefit or help us. 

So much shit was going on. 

What's next? I thought miserably.


I closed my locker and made my way to my first class of the day, which was on the top floor of my school. I made my way there carefully, trying to not bump into anyone as people either made a mad dash to their classes or elsewhere.The hallways were packed, which is what I hated about making it to school on time. Honestly, if people could learn to make their way to places like normal people, it would benefit me greatly. A hand touched my shoulder and I swiveled around. It was one of my friends, or Jonah's friends I should say, Isaac. He was the main supplier of drugs, but everyone suspected that he was a thief. No one dared say anything though- the guy was nearly 6 feet and looked like he'd punch you if you told him to get out of the way.

"Jonah wants to know if you wanna do some pot behind the mall later today," He said. He wasn't holding books or anything, only a pair of skull candy ear buds were visible from around his neck. I had my books, but that was only because I had tutoring. Seeing Mr. Hoying disappointed when I hadn't brought anything to our tutoring session had made me feel, well, bad. I nodded and he walked away. 

I turned a corner and nearly fell over when I felt a hand hit my cheek. "What the fuck?" I yelled. I looked up and saw Cindy with her arms crossed. She looked furious. "Cindy?"

"You stood me up!" She screamed. I stepped back. "I was waiting for an hour! I hate you Mitch Grassi! You're a dick!" I looked around and saw a crowd had gathered. I turned back to Cindy and it looked like she was crying. One of her friends walked up to her and put her arms around Cindy's shoulders. She glared at me and flipped me off, leading Cindy away. I gaped at her retreating figure. Did she seriously like me that much? 

People were murmuring and shaking their heads. I groaned. Could life get any worse?

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