Chapter 28 - END

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In honor of my dad's birthday, here is the last chapter.

Yes, Scott is my dad.

Month 4 (cont.)

"Kirstie, where the hell are we going? You literally just got off the plane from Oklahoma and now we're going somewhere?!" I interrogated as she drove. She had just left for a week and then came right back.

Something dawned on me. "Hold the phone. You said last week that you came down for my graduation. My graduation isn't until June. It's literally December. The only graduation related thing that's happened is practice and no one can go except seniors," I said. She blushed.

"I wanted an excuse to come see you. I'm worried about you. I know things aren't easy for you," She said. I waggled my eyebrows at her and she playfully hit my shoulder.

"Mitch, shut up, you're like a little brother to me. Besides, Jeremy and I have a pretty strong relationship," She said. I grinned.

"I know. How's college?" I asked, making small talk as we continued the drive from the airport back to Arlington.

She took a deep breath and gave me a 'don't even get me started' look.

"It's really hard. I'm always up until three in the morning doing homework. I'm just glad I'm part of the music program, it's the most eventful and least stressful part of my day. My roommate's really nice. Also, today is the last day I'll be able to go off campus. I'm pretty sure people who live on campus only have 8 away days, and I've already used 5. I'm planning on coming back for 3 days when you do graduate, and the school year will be over by your birthday. It'll all work out," She said. I had been paying so much attention to what she was saying that I hadn't even payed attention to our surroundings, until I realized that we had arrived to our destination. Martin High School.

"Kirstie.. why are we here? You do realize it's 3 pm right? School got out an hour ago," I said pointedly. She ignored me and parked. We walked out of the car and I followed her into the school. It was quiet but not deserted, and I knew after school activities were in session. I had absolutely zero guesses as to why we were even here.

I realized that we were going to to main office, where the principal's office was located, because I knew every twist and turn of the school by heart. Kirstie did too.

Once we got to the office Kirstie entered and walked over to the secretary with me right behind her.

"Kirstin! What a pleasure to see you!" The secretary, Ms. Bloom, exclaimed. She looked past Kirstie and looked at me. "And Mitch! Surprised to see you, you usually go home right away!" I was about to speak when Kirstie interrupted.

"Nice to see you too," Kirstie said, giving her a small smile. "I need to see the principal." Ms. Bloom raised an eyebrow.

"I think he's busy at the moment," She said. Kirstie grabbed my arm and since she caught me by surprise I lurched forward and was suddenly standing right next to her in front of Ms. Bloom's desk. She jerked my shirt up to reveal the brand new purple bruises on my torso. I heard Ms. Bloom stifle a gasp and I scrambled to put my shirt down.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed at Kirstie.

"Mitch, are you alright?? Why aren't you in the hospital?" Ms. Bloom said, pure concern on her face. I sighed.

"It doesn't hurt, it's not as bad as it looks," I said, trying to stay calm.

"Now do you understand why we need to see the principal?" Kirstie demanded and I did a double take. Kirstie never had an attitude with anyone, and especially not teachers. Ms. Bloom only nodded and stood up, walking to the back and opening a door. She peeked her head in and began talking, but we couldn't hear her. I took my chance to talk to Kirstie.

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