Chapter 16

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This is a happy chapter, it almost saddens me to write the next one.

Smut Warning ;)

I'll put like a symbol where the smut starts in case you don't like smut, and then you can just skip ahead to the end bc the chapter ends where the smut end yh

p.s. It's crucial that you read the entire chapter because these details are important for the plot twist. Don't just skip ahead to the smut. Ok? Ok.

The weeks progressed, and everything calmed down gradually. Scott had forgiven me for telling Kirstie about him and I, and fortunately Kirstie hadn't spilled the beans to anyone else, but Scott was still pretty anxious. I did everything I could to appease Scott, because I knew he wouldn't be having doubts in the first place if I hadn't told Kirstie, but I couldn't change the past. So I did as much as I could to distract him from it.

I opened my front door, and quietly went up to my room. I dropped my backpack on the floor and walked over to my bed, stopping when I saw an opened envelope sitting at the edge of it. I picked it up and sat down, taking out the letter. 

Dear Mitch,

We are sorry to inform you that on June 12th you will be expected to participate in 3 weeks of summer school to make up for the missing/incomplete credits from your junior year of high school. If you choose to not attend, you will be forced to redo the credits throughout your senior year. 

We hope to see you there! 

Sincerely, Martin High School Department of Education

I scowled at the letter and set it aside. I didn't want to go to summer school. I had worked so hard these past 5 months, and it had all been for nothing? I searched my mind for what I could possibly have to make up, and for what I had done wrong.

Realization dawned on me and I groaned. Fucking Jonah, I thought miserably. I had ditched science a LOT back when Scott first started teaching, and I had put up absolutely 0 effort in a bunch of other classes. Of course all the stuff I had done to try to fix my grades hadn't compensated for the stuff I had completely ignored back then. I sighed and kicked the letter away. I looked at the spot on the floor where the letter was laying and picked it back up, folding it and stuffing it in my backpack. 

I would have to do summer school, if not for my sake but Scott's. He would want me to do it, I decided. I heard footsteps approaching the door and I tensed, hoping it wasn't Jonah. The door opened and a mixture of relief and anger washed through me when I saw my mom. I could only guess that it had been her who had opened my letter, but I wasn't surprised in the least. She had 0 respect whatsoever for me. 

"Did you read your letter?" She asked, a smirk on her face. I glared at her and nodded stiffly, not saying a word.

"I always knew you were stupid, you didn't even pass this year! You probably won't even pass summer school. You probably won't graduate. You're a failure, just like your father," She said, sneering. I balled up my hands into fists. 

"Shut up. Why don't you just keep your comments to yourself? And stop acting like you didn't cry for weeks on end when he left. Stop acting like it didn't take you all of these years to get over him," I said coldly. She said nothing but turned around and walked out of my room, slamming the door shut. 


I walked into Scott's classroom, closing the door and locking it behind me. Scott looked up at me from where he was leaning over shuffling papers on his desk. He smiled at me and extended his arms out, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I relaxed against his arms.

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