Chapter 26

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52 votes on Chapter 25 holy shit that's the most votes I've ever received on a single part! ♥♥

Month 3

"I'll keep visiting Scott if I want to!" I snapped at Miranda. In the 3 months I'd spent visting her every week I had grown accustomed to Miranda and I had learned what to say that would appease her, but that certainly didn't mean I liked her in the least. She was annoying and was always spouting me crap about getting 'better' and focusing on the positives and not letting my memories with Scott ruin me. I was honestly starting to believe that she saw me as a child, which didn't really surprise me.

And one of her tactics was forcing me to stop visiting Scott. She saw it as insisting, but I saw it as force because she wouldn't stop demanding it. She didn't understand. No one understood. 

"Mitch, I really don't think that would be wise of you. I truly think that if you stop visiting Scott it'll benefit you and everyone else-"

"Why the hell would it benefit anyone else? Just so your school's record isn't damaged just because a teacher dated a student? Is that all you fucking care about?" I demanded. 

"No, not at all-" She began, but I knew she was lying. 

Without a word, I stood up and exited her office, slamming the door behind me.


"Did you miss me, faggot?" Jonah spit, throwing me against the brick wall on the side of the school. I had stayed after school for an hour to ensure that Jonah would be far away when I decided to go home. Apparently, it had been to no avail.

"Jonah, just leave me alone," I muttered, trying to stop my voice from shaking. I was sick of it. I was sick of my principal, I was sick of Jonah, I was sick of Miranda, I was sick of everyone. A thought crossed my mind that hadn't invaded my thoughts since the year I turned 15. I tried to push it away as i focused on Jonah. 

"That's all you want, isn't it? You want me to just let you live your life? Well, too bad. We don't all get what we want. They threatened to remove me from this district and throw me in jail if I put my hands on you again, but I want you to suffer. I could send my friends after you, but where's the fun in that? As long as you take it quietly and dont snitch, we'll both be happy. Do a good job of covering up your bruises and we'll both be fine. Got it?" He said, and his voice had dropped really low. I clenched my jaw. 

My fight or flight instint kicked in, and I shoved him to the side with as much strength as I could muster and began running away. I thought I was getting really far but apparently not, because he caught my arm and pulled me backward. My ass hit the ground and he kicked my side. 

"You're gonna pay for that," He threatened, and the last thought that crossed my mind was Why me?


"Mitch! You're awake!" I heard. I looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings. When I took them all in I realized I was in Kirstie's bedroom, and Kirstie was standing above me. I realized we weren't alone when I saw another tall guy standing at the foot of the bed with a worried expression. I squinted, and realized it was Jeremy. Kirstie's boyfriend. Wasn't he supposed to be in college at Oklahoma with Kirstie?

Kirstie noticed my confusion and spoke up. "He came down with me to see your graduation, but his flight was delayed and he just got here. He was driving by the school to take the quick route to my house, and saw you laying next to some bushes at the park next to our school. He picked you up and recognized you, and brought you here. You've been unconscious for about two hours." She said. I nodded. 

"Why were you at the park? Are you okay?" She asked. I remembered Jonah's threat, and when I looked down, I realized that I looked like I could have fallen down a few times. I swallowed and moved my arm, and immediately bit my tongue to keep from hissing in pain.

"Never mind that. Just- give me some Tylenol and I'll go home. I'm fine. I swear," I said. She looked like she was going to argue, but instead she nodded and went to the bathroom. She handed me the bottle of pills and I felt both of their eyes on me as I swallowed 4 without water.

life update: new chapters will be coming slowly bc high school is horrible and I h8 it

maybe 1-2 chapters left

comment and vote if you want me to update faster

love u all

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