Chapter 9

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Y'all are lucky I love you guys

It's been 4 weeks since Scott and I started dating, and I was glad that I only had one friend. The schedule Scott and I had set up was simple, but upsetting, considering I'd see couples in the halls daily holding hands and not have to hide their affection towards each other. I had voiced my complaint to Scott, and he head only told me that I was 'more than welcome to have a normal relationship with someone else.' That shut me up, because no matter what he said, I would always like him. Even if our relationship was out of the ordinary.

For instance, I still went to tutoring, and I guess it was the fact that Scott just couldn't resist me, because after he locked the door to his classroom, 70% of our time was spent kissing. And I wasn't complaining. Although sometimes he'd reduce our time kissing if I didn't put effort into doing my school work.

"Put as much enthusiasm into your school work as you do into kissing me, and you'll be all set." I could only groan and try to argue that it was not the same. 

So my day started out like this: I'd wake up every morning at 6 am, get ready, and be at school by 6:30. Class didn't start until 7:30, so I had a whole hour with Scott. We'd spend our time either getting me caught up on homework, or talking, or, of course, kissing. My cover story was that I needed some extra tutoring for his class. 

After that, I'd go to the rest of my classes, all while avoiding Jonah, because honestly, ditching no longer appealed to me. So I'd go to class, and the thing was, I felt proud of myself, and I knew Scott was proud of me too. My teachers would gush and praise me because of my effort. 3 weeks ago, I would have said that I was only doing this to appease Scott. But now I knew that I was doing all of this for myself. 

If I graduated high school successfully, I could move out, but not before rubbing my diploma in my mom's face. 

After all of my classes, I'd go to my last class of the day which was science. I had nearly slipped up the first week and called him Scott, but he had interrupted me so I could get myself together. It was horrible thinking of what could happen if I were to just casually start calling Mr. Hoying 'Scott.' So I made sure to be extra careful when I talked to him. And then after class would be tutoring, and that would be that. 

I loved it.

Scott had said that I shouldn't go to his house because the risk of us getting caught was too high, but I suspected that Avi and Kevin hadn't exactly warmed up to me either. I remembered the conversation like it was yesterday. Well, a week ago. 

"Your roommates don't like me, do they?" I said as I wrote down another equation. I looked up at him and he looked sad. He shook his head.

"No, Mitch, you've got it all wrong. They have nothing against you, you've done nothing wrong. They're upset with me for putting you at risk," He said gently. I sighed and pushed away my finished worksheet. 

"I wish they understood," I said unhappily. He nodded in agreement, and looked at my worksheet. He nodded in approval and extended his arms ot, inviting me into them. 

"Come here, you," He said, and I was all too eager to let him kiss me.

I walked into the lunchroom and looked for Kirstie. I saw her standing in line, texting someone on her phone. I walked over to her and stood behind her, and she didn't notice me. I put my hands over her eyes and said "Boo!" She jumped and swiveled around, grinning widely. 

"Mitch!" She said, and hugged me. I hugged her small figure back, and then let go. We moved with the lunch line and began chatting.

"So, I've been meaning to talk to you," She said.

"What's up?" I said.

"So I don't know if you forgot, but we're kinda still fake dating," She said, and my eyes widened in realization. 

"I completely forgot about that! Sorry Kirst," I said, and she laughed knowingly. 

"So yeah, we need to fake break up," She said in a low voice. I raised my eyebrows at her. 

"Haven't I been a good fake boyfriend to you?" I asked her, pretending to be offended. It was her turn to raise her eyebrows at me. 

"So when are we going to do this?" I asked her. She shrugged. 

"Soon though. Jeremy wants to get back together," She said, blushing. 

"That's awesome. Why'd you guys break up again?" I asked her. She shook her head, brushing it off. 

"It was nothing. Anyways, I'll catch you later, okay?" She asked, and then Cindy walked past, jostling Kirstie. 

"Excuse me," Cindy said, sneering. We both looked at her and began to walk away. 

"Get back here. I've been thinking, and I've noticed the two of you don't kiss or hangout or do any couple things. So prove it, Kirstin, that you're dating Mitch," Cindy demanded, and a small crowd had formed. I looked around nervously and my heart dropped when I saw Scott. He was standing there, at the back, and his face was blank. I knew I couldn't kiss Kirstie. 

"How?" I asked Cindy, and she smirked, leaning towards me.

"Kiss her. Prove to us, all of us, that you aren't a faggot like everyone thinks you are," She said in her annoying voice, and I felt my eye twitched. I turned to Kirstie, and her expression was pained. We stood there, facing each other, and I leaned towards her slowly. My eyes flickered up, looking for Scott. He wasn't there anymore. 

I kissed her, and cheers erupted. It was just a mouth kiss, no tongues, because honestly no one wanted to see that. Cindy let out a 'hmph' and walked away, and the crowd dispersed. 

"We'll talk later, okay?" I said to Kirstie, but she didn't respond. She was staring after Jeremy, who had his head down. I wanted to fix things, and help Kirstie, but call me selfish if you must but I needed to go see Scott. I checked my watch. There was still 20 minutes left of lunch. Plenty of time to talk to him. 

I ran up to his classroom and looked in, and I saw him sitting at his desk, with his head down. 

I opened the door and stepped inside. 

I already had a plan, but I want to know what you guys think. D'you guys think that Scott should show his dominance over Mitch and be all 'you're mine and no one elses' or should he get mad and ignore Mitch? Comment, and I may or may not use your suggestions!

You guys literally made my day with your comments :)

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