Chapter 27

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Guys, there will be no sequel. Sorry. But I'll make it up to you guys, I promise. If you follow me on twitter, you know what I mean ;]

Month 4

"Mitch, you have to tell me what's wrong. I leave for Oklahoma again tomorrow, and I want to help you," Kirstie insisted, crossing her arms.

"Nothing's wrong," I snapped at her.

"Don't snap at me! I'm trying to help you, I'm not doing anything bad to you," She countered. I sighed. I knew she was right. Everything was just going wrong and life just completely sucked. I didn't have to strength to be kind, but she was my best friend, and I knew she was only looking out for me. 

"I'm sorry Kirst. Life just Really sucks right now," I said sadly. She gave me a small hug and then sat down next to me. We were at the park. I had gone to the park to clear my head. She had found me, and now she was here with me. 

"Please talk to me about it," She begged. A huffed and she smiled slightly, immediately knowing that I was going to tell her about it. I took a deep breath and wondered where ot begin. 

"It's Jonah again. You remember how he got a warning about never touching me again when Scott told them to look at the tapes, right?" She nodded. "He didn't listen, and I wasn't surprised. He threatened me the other day in the hallway, and yesterday when Jeremy found me he- he beat me up. He made sure to only get my back and stomach and upper legs so I would have an easier time covering them up just so he wouldn't get caught. It hurts to make sudden movements and it really hurts to walk." She gasped and gave me a look of genuine sympathy. 

"Can I look at your back?" She asked softly. I nodded, not saying a word. I turned so my back was facing her and she pulled my blue t shirt up. I heard her sharp intake of breath, and I knew it had to be bad. I had looked at it for a few minutes last night by craning my neck, but I had tried not to look too much. I wondered if it looked as bad as it hurt. 

"Mitch.. this is horrible. I hate that bastard. I could just.. I could kill him for hurting you! He makes me sick," She said, sounding upset. I turned around and grabbed her hand in an attempt to soothe her. 

"Kirstie, it's okay. Just leave it. I've handled Jonah before, I can handle him now," I insisted. She shook her head.

"I'm not going to let him get away with this!" She snapped. I said nothing, only hugged her tightly, to reassure not only her, but myself too. 


When I got home, I checked the mail like I did every day. My living situation was... different now. I lived alone (technically) and did things.. on my own. Bruce never came home, neither did my mom. They all lived permanently at Bruce's house I assumed, and that was that. I had no idea what would happen. Would my mom's ownership of this house be permanently evicted? Where would I go? These were all things I wondered and worried about on a daily basis. 

What if they did take away her house? Would I be forced to live with my mom and Bruce? Would they even take me in? I shook my head, trying to clear it. 

I grabbed a large manila envelope from the bottom of the stack curiously. I saw the UCLA logo at the top right corner and my heart sped up. There was no way. There was absolutely no way. I opened it slowly. I took out the letter on top and gasped.

Dear Mitch Grassi, we are pleased to inform you was what the letter began with. Tears of joy sprang to my eyes.

For the first time in months, I felt a glimmer of hope that things would finally go right.

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