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i really shouldn't be doing this. i'm crazy, absolutely insane and out of my mind.  someone stop me. please, i'm begging you. every fiber in my body was telling me not to, but i was doing it. i thought back to the weird look my best friend gave me, but whatever, i liked doing whatever i wanted.

my hands went into autopilot as i filled in the account information. i watched helplessly as every empty box got filled up and watched painfully as i clicked confirm.

i cringed and looked away as i was logged into my new account with the cringy username: @flymetojae.

once created, i followed jae and day6, obviously.

i tagged him in an edit. and then tweeted him again, just stating the purpose of creating this account. still, i must admit it's pretty foolish of me to even have created this account in the first place. i sighed, closing my laptop. is it too late for me to deactivate? i face-palmed at my own denseness. too late now.

he's not even my bias. i don't even have a bias in day6, but out of nowhere, jae snatched me with his glasses and dorky personality. his funny and sarcastic attitude makes me so happy. my heart literally jumps at the sight of him. it makes me wonder how would he react to my pick up lines. it made me wonder how much better his laugh would be in person. the passion and joy he radiates when he plays his music earned respect from me.

i really like jae and i will say it again for those who don't realize. hence the motive behind me creating a whole new twitter account, in a hopeless attempt to get jae's attention.

as of right now, i have 0 followers. however, i better get some soon, otherwise i'm deactivating. i'm aware that i might not get noticed, but it's alright. it doesn't hurt to try, right?

so jae, if you're reading this;

i hope one day you'll get to see how much i care about you. i hope you see this and realize how happy you make me and all your other fans. thank you for being alive, and i'm being sincere. 

this isn't the end of my story, however. i will get noticed by jae. the jae i (think i) know will not want me to give up.

this is for you.



so yup. i hope i get followers soon and that this book gets to places. i've written multiple books but never finished them and never published them because they wouldn't go anywhere. did i mention how impatient i get? because i get impatient easily.

but, if this does get success, i'll write a lot more for you guys.

and if you're interested, my twitter account for jae is @flymetojae. some tweets will be real, some will not be.


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