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i didn't want your number to text you about the job.
if i'm being honest, i wanted to become friends. and this was the best way i could think of.

Oh! You could've asked straight up. We would've ended up here just the same.

okay good to know, but, like i'm super awkward so yeah...

Don't worry! Me too, actually. So, I can tell we'll be getting along just fine :)

yeah. that's good.

i went to bed with a smile on my face and it wasn't because of jae. it was because i wouldn't be as lonely here anymore. we spent a good hour talking about our interests and our ambitions in korea. it made me feel like i was normal again and not hanging out with famous k-idols.

when i told brian i made a new friend the next time i saw him, he got so offended, it made me laugh. "i love you, but you're not a girl who can relate to my problems," i explained.

"who said i couldn't?" he puffed his chest out defensively, his cracker hanging out of his mouth. i shot him a knowing glance and he shrunk. "fair enough."

"anyway, y/n. ready for the day? i mean, riah!" he emphasized loudly. i mentally face-palmed.

"better be glad no one was here to hear you being dumb," i growled, getting up from the stool. "i'll see you in the car." i went ahead and found my place in the van before the others filled it up.

i greeted the four boys already seated, making accidental quick physical and eye contact with jaehyung. i retracted my hand from his knee and sat up straighter in my seat.

brian finally joined us, gracing us with his damn beautiful presence. "ready for another day, riah?" sungjin asked.

i nodded, "i can't afford to take anymore breaks, i'm aware. it won't happen again."

sungjin smiled happily. "glad you understand. we need everyone ready for this comeback. and this one will be gold."

i nodded, determined not to let them down.

so, we arrived at the building and one by one, we piled out. "chan is stopping by with the others," jae nudged me as we walked side by side. i nodded stiffly. they're coming? i cringed, knowing i'll be hella flustered either way.

"we warm up first, then we'll practice our old songs," sungjin instructed. he warmly smiled and i followed the three older ones to a separate room.

"ready to practice?" brian asked, handing out jae's finished lyrics to each of us.

"yeah," we all answered.

we harmonized and took turns singing. i got a few tips from them all and lots of encouragement. i felt proud of myself for once. 

after one more hour of utilizing my vocal cords, we were allowed to head to the room where the two younger ones were. in the time the six of us practiced, it made me realize all the hard work they put into their albums and performances. this is exactly what i've been wanting to do, and i won't take this opportunity for granted. 

the room was cooler in temperature and would've seemed more spacious if it weren't for the eight other boys crowded in the room.

my breath was stolen and i jerked my head down. i wanted to sink away, so i headed for the door, but jae's hand stopped me by grabbing my hand. i met his eyes and he smirked at me. "they won't bite, calm down. besides, didn't you want to meet them?"

i hissed, "yes, but i don't look the best right now." i gestured to my sweats and loose t-shirt, my hair loose in an unflattering bun.

jae took one sweep of my appearance and shrugged. "you look cute. now, come on."

he tugged my wrist and pushed me into the center of the room where the boys were all sitting.

they all looked up and the room went into silent mode. until the one and only bang chan ruined it.

"riah!" he got up and threw his arms around me in tight hug. "i'm glad i got to see you again!"

a small smile appeared on my face. how could i be flustered by chan when jae just called me cute when i definitely did not look cute. "i'm glad you're here too."

"so, ready to hear us practice?" jae asked, quirking an eyebrow and sliding his guitar strap on.

while everyone got situated, i sat down and placed my guitar in my lap, adjusting myself. i couldn't breathe. i was going to play my guitar not just in front of one of my favorite groups, but two. shit, i could mess up and it would be the end of me and i can never show my face--

my fingers immediately plucked the strings, the instruments flowing melodically together. it was beautiful, as if angels were singing together. i think it was that moment when everyone realized, it was going to be a good comeback. we just need promotions.


i fumbled to get inside the day6 dorm after being further trained by jyp staff for hours, stumbling clumsily into the dorm. the lights were off, meaning everyone was asleep. so i tried to quietly slipinside my room. um, well, what i thought was my room.

"shit, sorry!" i apologized, knocking myself into jae's desk. jae was topless, lounging in his bed, phone in hand. my eyes quickly skimmed over his smooth skin before darting up to meet his curious and amused eyes.

"it's okay," he chuckled, sitting up in bed. "calm down, i'm not completely naked or anything."

i choked on my spit, but instead covered it with a coughing fit. not like that's any better, but whatever.

it was quiet between us, until he opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the continuous binging coming from my phone.

"i'll, um, go now. goodnight and see you tomorrow!" i rushed out, slamming the door as well, in my panic.

i winced at the sound and inched against the wall to my actual room. finally, i felt as if i could breathe. this whole day felt as if i was walking on pins and needles. it was not pleasant.


oh right.

i changed into shorts and kept the tee on, flopping onto my bed. i lifted my phone up to face and smiled when i saw numerous messages.

my smile faded just a tiny bit when i saw another dm from jae.

"well, i can't keep avoiding him, right?"


hi, blazes! how are you? hope you had a great day!

i am so sorry for all the late updates. school is absolute hell, leaving no time for me to write until late sunday. at least I'm keeping my promise of updating every week, right? heh, i swear i'll make it up to you guys.

anyway, i will do better. i will even make a plan for this book throughout this week. i realize it's a little boring compared to other books, but  try not to make it cliche.

mm, oh and sorry for all the cliff hangers. it makes it fun, so don't be too mad. i would appreciate it if you commented suggestions and what you want to see (plus voting but i can't force you). i promise i'll do my best and fulfill your best wishes.

it's nearly 11 pm here and I have school tomorrow, so fucking hell, fuck me. goodnight, lovelies and sweetest dreams.

my pm is always open if you ever need to talk. i understand a lot more than you think.


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