twelve ;

189 8 2

my eyes cracked open to let the damned sunlight in and straight away, i knew i wasn't in my own room.

i shot straight up in the bed, the covers being flung onto the floor.

i heard groaning from beside me and i groaned internally. i looked to the side and saw jae's body stretching in brian's bed.

"uh," i started.

jae glanced at me and smiled, eyes still half closed. "brian's in your bed."

he got up and stretched his arms up to the ceiling. "go get brian. we'll be getting ready for concept pictures."

he left the room and i was left in his bed, confused. okay, so i was still in my old clothes because i was too lazy to change, so i don't think it was one of those cliché stories where the guy changes the girl and gets hard. thank god this is not like it.

hopping off the bed, i clumsily stumbled into my room, seeing brian's blue hair under my pillows and blankets.

i ignored the pounding of my heart and the inner voice that screams "his lips are so pink and totally kissable" and jumped onto the bed.

he grunted underneath me and i giggled, tickling his ear with my breath. "up now, brian!"

squirming, he tried to get me off by grabbing my legs, but i resisted and stayed on his back, my arms wrapping around his torso.

"riah, off my back," he grumbled into my blankets. i laughed and finally climbed off him, "you should go change now."

he lifted his head and his sleepy eyes narrowed at me. slowly, he got up, eyes never leaving me, and left the room, dramatically slamming the door. i clicked my tongue, smirking just a bit. he's cute. or is it just me?

wait. i mentally paused while moving towards the closet. did i just call brian cute? i used a hanger to hit myself to make sure i wasn't going crazy.

i changed into sweats and a long black t-shirt. we were told to wear things that we could easily slip on and off, and something that could hide us. placing a cap over my head and left the room.

meeting the boys in the car, we were driven outside to a beautiful beach. the concept we were going for was a soft nostalgic vibe. a bonfire at the beach with friends was perfect. i think we're going inside a cafe later, too.

i was dressed into a white skirt with a floral crop top, and a long jacket over. the boys were dressed in jeans and comfortable tees. "not fair," i mumbled. they look so comfortable.

however, the gray jacket i was wearing was very comfy and was long enough to cover up to my skirt.

the staff set up chairs around a lit bonfire and directed us to sit. three of the boys, wonpil, sungjin, and dowoon sat on the long log while brian and i had to sit together. i glanced at jae, who was sitting by himself.

they told us to pose casually, so i looped my arm through brian's and leaned back. i threw a lopsided smile at the camera and the boys did the same as well.

i crossed my legs and untangled my arm from his. i leaned forward and looked at the fire. it was a real nice feeling. the warmth from the close fire heating up my cool skin. i let my hand hover near the flames, but the next thing i knew brian jerked my hand back.

"you could burn yourself," he said, lowering my hand. i shrugged, "it would've been fine."

shooting a glance back at me, he stood up because the staff told us to move places. i moved to sit between wonpil and dowoon on the log. instinctively, my head fell onto wonpil's shoulders and i was hit with a wave of heavy comfort.

parallel ; {p.jaehyung}Where stories live. Discover now