author's note!

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hey! i hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and getting ready for the new year. other than that, i did want to say that i have not been writing on this fan fiction in specific, but i have been writing other short stories to improve my writing skills in general.

i would like to get 200 votes then upload the next chapter, if you could see i am only three votes away from 200 the last time i checked. right now, i will get started on the next chapter and hopefully upload it as soon as this gets 200 votes.

i mean it when i say this book is almost done! like two or three more chapters, i can't remember. i hope you're enjoying it for the most part. i've got a kim seungmin story if you'd want to check that one out. the characters are much more developed there, which i'm excited for. 

wishing you a great couple days of 2020. i'm sure it's been hard on everyone, with the pandemic and forcing adaptation. i've had my deal of ups and downs this year and though i've been improving myself, i understand the lows most of all. it will take time, and it may be hard to believe as of right now, but it does get better. finding the light in dark situations like these, i encourage you to do so. i found my light, and it's corpse husband, which you should definitely check out. i care about all of you and if you ever find yourself in a dark place with no one to turn to, my pms are always open. thank you for your support and patience.

stay warm!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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