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I don't even know why I'm doing this.

a second later, another message.

You're just a fangirl.

ouch. touché, jae. touché.

i stared at my phone screen in the complete darkness of my room for at least 4 minutes at his dm.

what? so he saw my tweets, my account, and decided, on his own, to dm me? then what's his problem? my starry eyes quickly disappeared and flashed into anger.

the jae i dmed on instagram was so much sweeter. way sweeter to the point where i didn't believe that they were the same person. i bit my lip in frustration.

this motherfucker!

and you're just a chicken little.

jae 0, y/n 1.

i smirked at my phone screen. take that mr. park.

two seconds later, he responded with a bitter rebute.

I looked at your account. It's people like you that creep me out.
I still have no idea why I contacted you.

my anger dissolved into slight sadness. but i wouldn't let him do that to me.

why did you contact me? there was no reason if you were just going to talk to me like this. fuck you jae. i guess you don't realize how happy you can make people.
it's sad that person who makes millions of people smile doesn't treat a fan right. shall i expose you? not sure. you tell me.

You type like someone I know.

i held my breath. please don't think it's me.

It's a shame you're not more like them.
Like I said, I hope you're aware of how creepy you are.
Don't expect another dm from me.

i wish i could say i'm waiting for one. they say it's a fine line between love and hate. you just made me cross that line.

That's fine. I didn't need it anyway.

left on read once again. i was left breathing heavily and angry at our heated conversation.

he really has some nerve. i compared this conversation to my other one on instagram and i was baffled. what the fuck? who possessed him? why even contact me in the first place?

i tweeted out of anger.

would you guys believe me if i said jae just told me i was a creepy fangirl? because he just did.

immediately, the replies i got were controversial.

@flymetojae seems like something he would do

@flymetojae are you sure? Idk man

@flymetojae screenshots or it never happened

i groaned, giving up and deleting the tweet. dammit jae. you have them all under your charismatic spell, goddammit. what was the point, i had no idea. i tried to think about what prompted him to privately message me, looking over my previous tweets. the only one that stood out was the tweet that said, "jae deserves all the love in the world," which gained a lot of attention. 

with a heavy sigh, i realized i had better things to do rather than worry about a k-idol who literally verbally abused me, so i decided to go out. even if the k-idol was my celebrity crush for years, but i'll live.

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