1: "...stop touching me."

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This story was finished on 3/20/19 at 6:26 a.m.

This book does NOT represent my current writing abilities. 

Given I'm not very confident of my past writing, I recommend you don't read it.

If you do choose to proceed, keep in mind that this book talks about insecurity a bit throughout, including body insecurity. Internalized homophobia and homophobia in general is also very common. These are not romanticized, however, as these are serious matters and should be taken seriously!

Also, it came to my attention that Lee Ji-eun is IU's name :skull emoji: THIS WAS NOT INTENTIONAL! I love her too much <3 Lee Ji-eun as portrayed here is a completely fictional person.

Jimin picked at his nails from beneath the table of the booth. It was a mistake to pick there to meet Jungkook. The ice cream shop was a popular hangout for high school students, especially on nice weekends like this one, and it was a given someone like Ji-eun would be there to center herself in crowd.

She was the picture-perfect girl. Clear skin, alluring eyes, and glossy hair practically beg for the attention of those she passes, and Jimin was no different. He'd do anything for just one date with Lee Ji-eun. He'd do anything for just one look from her, really. The day that happened, though, would be the day Earth blew up.

Jimin continued to stare at the girl from afar, observing as she spoke to her group of friends at the counter. He knew it was a dangerous risk to take. What if they made eye contact? She'd be made uncomfortable, then would avoid him if he ever got up the courage to say something to her.

And his courage was a conflict on its own.

The diffident male dropped his head to look at his hands in his lap, soon after focusing on a smudge of spilled root beer on the hickory tabletop instead.

Jungkook pulled a few napkins from the container at the counter while he waited for the ice cream, sticking them into his pocket after. Normally he had no trouble avoiding eavesdropping, but the group of girls near him were talking too loudly for him not to hear everything they said.

"Didn't he take you to that new American restaurant?" a girl asked. "The four-star one? I heard the burgers there are really good, but I doubt it..."

"No, they were good. I'd go again." Jungkook turned his head to see the owner of the pretty voice that responded, finding himself looking at no other than Lee Ji-eun. "He did nothing wrong at all. He was on time, and he looked really good and everything. He even paid for the entire meal. It was expensive, too. If only. . . Oh, I don't even want to think about it."

"No, tell me! You can't stop there. I want to know what he did."

The server handed Jungkook the two cones and he took them with a smile. Ji-eun's voice met his ears one more time, a harsh whisper to contrast her typical singsong nature, "He was such a horrible kisser! I don't think I've ever been that humiliated. He just kind of. . . sat there-"

She stopped when she noticed Jungkook walking past her, and she lifted her hand to wave at him with some sort of fake shyness. He averted his gaze. Jungkook was socially awkward around girls he didn't have interest in. He just didn't know how exactly he was supposed to treat the people he didn't have any plans for. If he led someone on, he'd feel bad. If he said something wrong, he'd feel bad. The only way to not feel bad is to avoid them completely.

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