6: "How are your hips so wide?"

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"You ditched me at lunch again," Jimin brought up while passing Jungkook to get to his seat. He was directly behind the younger, giving more possibility of them interacting. They were rarely caught, but given they did it everyday, they were caught often.

Jungkook turned around in his chair to face his friend. "I'm still behind on homework." That excuse, he hoped, would work the rest of the week. He didn't want Ji-eun to lead to the two fighting. "You could go. . ." The male cut himself off before continuing as he thought to what happened the previous night. "You could go and sit with Taehyung."

Jimin shook his head. "I haven't talked to him in a while. That'd be awkward."

The taller of the two was going to say he could go to the library if he was okay with skipping lunch. However, he was still tired from staying up late worrying about the other after realizing Jimin hadn't been eating. It began as one of those thoughts you had while trying to get to sleep; he'd been thinking of the conversation on the bus, how Jimin told his parents to eat without him, then later telling Jungkook he'd eat at home. That wouldn't have been their first rodeo. Jimin had tried the same thing in middle school, and went almost a whole week without Jungkook noticing despite being with him for at least twelve hours each day.

That situation had led to one of their bigger fights. Jungkook had told Jimin's parents that he wasn't eating, and Jimin swore that he'd never be friends with such a snitch again. Of course, the only person he had to go to at the time was Taehyung. Taehyung, though, had so many friends that Jimin felt left out most of the time, and his grudge-holding was no match for Jungkook's continuous apologizing and promising of never doing it again.

Jungkook didn't know how to bring up Jimin's current eating habits without them fighting this time around. He didn't like it when they fought. He didn't like the way they fought, more so. Jimin tried too hard to stay angry and Jungkook took too long to apologize sincerely from his fear of admitting he did wrong. They'd both gotten better at those things, but no one wanted to risk it.

"I'll help you on your homework today, then," Jimin offered while getting his textbook ready. "That way we can eat together tomorrow."

Jungkook folded his arms on the older's desk and lowered his voice. "But what about our. . . other project? Yesterday didn't give enough results. You took up an hour of just complaining alone."

"Complaining is reasonable." The shorter glanced up once his book was on the right page, but quickly turned his focus onto getting out the previous day's homework that he'd worked on in the hallway after Ji-eun left. Jimin had skipped out on lunch because he hated eating in front of people with no one to talk to, and so went to his locker for the rest of the period. "And will it really take up so much time? My mom gave me permission to stay the night after I begged her for the entire car ride here."

Jungkook smiled widely, giddy that they'd be back to how they usually were. "That gives us more time to work on our project, then. We've got lots to do. There isn't enough time to worry about homework when we have more important things to work on."

"We have until Saturday." Jimin, now ready, made eye contact with taller while they talked. "I don't think you need to rush this order."

The bell rang at that exact moment, giving only a little longer for the two to talk freely. "Trust me. We'll need all the time we can get," he whispered as the room quieted down.

"What exactly are you going to teach me to do?"

"She's a 'who', not a 'what', you chauvinistic pig," Jungkook said jokingly before turning around to face the teacher as she began speaking. Jimin didn't try and respond to the statement, as that would be too risky to say out loud when it was so quiet.

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