21: "Get off me, Jungkook!"

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Jungkook knocked lightly on the door. The rest of the school day had gone slowly without his friend talking to him, but the younger had a plan. It was foolproof and surefire, and Jimin had no choice but to fall for it.

"Oh, Jungkook," Jimin's mother said after bringing the door open. She stepped to the side, allowing the boy in."Perfect timing. I just got off the phone with your Mom."

The guest smiled, although nervous. "I didn't think you both talked much anymore." He stood in the entryway to take his shoes off.

"That's why I was surprised...." The woman trailed off, kept her eyes on her son's friend. Maybe it wasn't too big a deal. Jimin had never really showed much interest to girls anyway, and if it wouldn't be a girl, she'd want it to be someone as good as Jungkook. "Have you and Jimin been close lately?" she asked, twinges of curiosity in the depth of her voice.

"We had a fight not long ago." The boy scratched at his ear, but he wasn't uncomfortable. That was his second home after all. "Could I take Jimin out to eat tonight for his birthday? And so I can patch things up...."

The mother thought on it for no more than a brief moment. "Yes, most definitely. To be honest, I didn't realize he turned nineteen today until I got home because of how busy work was." She lowered her voice. "I had nothing planned!"

Jungkook laughed, following the woman into the kitchen. "I won't tell him, don't worry."

"Thanks," she said through her smile. Her eyes followed the boy as he went up the stairs in no rush. Yeah, she thought. It wouldn't be so bad.

Jimin scrolled up.

"Whatever he's trying to do won't work. Jungkook isn't gay, and even if he were why would he go for that guy?"

"Maybe they actually love each other idk."

"Love is for a man and a woman tho."

"I feel like Ji-eun and Jungkook would be cute together if that other guy got out of the way."

"Didn't you hear about what Jungkook did to Ji-eun? Lol I don't think so."

"Whatd he do to her"

Jimin's bedroom door flew open. It made him jump from beneath his covers. Jungkook came waltzing in with a straight face, not paying mind to who laid in bed with his phone in front of his sad eyes. The intruder went straight to the tall dresser on the opposite side of the room. No hesitation. No second thought.

"What are you doing?" asked the older, shutting his phone off to avoid getting caught reading gossip. Gossip about himself.

Jungkook ignored the question until he'd found a sweatshirt he liked, then a pair of jeans that matched that sweatshirt. He turned, looked at his friend who hadn't moved. "I'm getting you ready," he said, going to the bed and dropping the clothes over the covered body. "Here. Get dressed."

Jimin shook his head. "I don't want to go anywhere." He clutched at the edge of his comforter to prevent having it pulled off him. That's what Jungkook was trying to do, and he succeeded eventually. He'd gotten the blanket off and was exposed to seeing Jimin with nothing but boxers on. He'd seen the older like that hundreds of times, but that time specifically made him want Jimin twice as much as he already did. He wasn't sure if it was his emotions at fault, or the look of his vague marks from the previous week. Whatever it was, it didn't get rid of his carnal mindset.

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