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"Here's my address," the message read, an attachment below it. Jimin's stomach turned nervously. What he'd been preparing for with Jungkook for the past five days was finally there. He was finally going to be on his date with Ji-eun. Why wasn't he excited? Why was he still in bed while reading her text at three in the afternoon? Why couldn't he stop hoping Jungkook would call? He thought that last one was obvious. He thought it was because he'd lost a great friend. Really, though, what he lost was something bigger, deeper, stronger than that.

"Could you come over at eight?" said a second message before Jimin could type "okay". He was contemplating saying he couldn't make it. Maybe that'd make Ji-eun like him even more. It was messed up logic, but Jungkook had done that to plenty of girls. He'd called girls to tell them he couldn't make it to their date right in front of Jimin multiple times before. Jimin missed the days when Jungkook cancelled dates for him. He missed them already.

And he needed to get his mind off it. "See you then," he replied with instead. The male flipped the blanket off of him, the pillow he had pressed up to his back falling over from the action. That was sad. He had to pretend someone was sleeping with him in order to fall asleep. And he ignored how badly he had to go to the bathroom all morning because it was hard enough getting the pillow placed so correctly.

Jimin forced himself up and out of bed, to his closet to find the outfit he'd wear. He knew already he'd just wear what Jungkook bought him, even if the shirt was a little tight on his shoulders, even if it reminded him of what he missed so horribly. He didn't know what else he could wear; the guy had no idea what Ji-eun had planned, so he just settled on the shirt and jeans before he made his way to the bathroom to get a shower.


ED CONTENT WARNING!!! Skip to the next bolded line to avoid the details. You are loved.

It's just one day. I'll eat tomorrow.

Maybe he should've eaten. It sure as hell would've kept those guilty thoughts out of his head, Jungkook's voice out of mind. 

His day was so boring without Jungkook to spend it with. If he hadn't skipped out on meals, they wouldn't be having this big fight. It was bigger than their last one. How had they made up in their last one, anyway? Jimin had been the angry one because he didn't understand at the time. He hadn't understood how starving was harming himself. He did understand now, though. He just used the no-eating method whenever he wanted to be skinnier for something. It wasn't a 24/7 thing anymore.

Back then it'd been different. He would eat, then feel guilty, then starve, then eat what he craved, then starve himself again. Until he taught himself to vomit. He hated vomiting too much to force himself to do it all the time, though, and so he just didn't eat. 

The night before, after Jungkook left, it'd taken thirty minutes to clear his system of the food he'd been forced to eat. Purging was just too time-consuming. Jimin was never really depressed. Just self-conscious. That was why Jungkook pissed him off to such an extreme when they were younger. Jimin was working so hard to be physically attractive, and his best friend, who didn't even have to try, was attacking him for it.

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For them to make up after that fight, Jungkook had to apologize every chance he got for an entire week, but this time it wasn't Jimin who was angry. He couldn't sit back and wait now. It was his turn to make it up to the other.

Jimin pulled his phone out of his pocket and stared at it. No. Even if Jungkook had his phone, he wouldn't apologize through call or text. Things like that had to be face-to-face, and that apology would be just that. Not that day, though. Jimin was already on the bus to Ji-eun's. Based off the time his phone showed, he had ten minutes to be on time. The time he spent getting ready went so slowly that he wondered if his phone was wrong, if the sky was wrong, if every clock he looked at was wrong. He sort of wished that were the case.

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