8: "Stop struggling!"

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The next few paragraphs include a self-induced vomiting. If this bothers you, skip to the next bolded line. Eating disorders affect at least nine percent of the world's population. They are not to be taken lightly. If you are struggling with one, do not read the next few paragraphs, and if you are in crisis, text NAMI to 741741 for a texting hotline OR reach out to https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline, where you can call, text, or chat online.

"I'll be quick." Jimin shut the bathroom door and locked it. He wasn't supposed to lock the door because it was the only bathroom in the house, but he really couldn't let anyone walk in on him.

He got on his knees in front of the toilet  quickly. The slice of pizza had filled him up, a feeling he wasn't used to for the past few days. He didn't want to be used to that. Jimin forced two fingers into his mouth to poke at his throat. He'd never induced vomiting on himself before, so it took a while before he even gagged. His eyes watered with every gag after that, but no food would come out. Why wouldn't anything come out?

The next time his fingertips hit the back of his mouth, he could almost taste the meal he'd finished two hours ago. Jungkook forced him to learn how to compliment immediately after eating, and this was the soonest he got to go to the bathroom. Knowing he'd take a while, Jimin started the shower to keep his friend from getting suspicious.

It took another five minutes before he finally puked, and he was so exhausted from gagging that he figured one throw-up was enough to keep him slim. He rinsed his mouth out with the cold shower water to rid of that disgusting taste. The male spit it out into the tub.

You may read on from this point.

Jimin quickly took his shirt off and ran his hair and face under the shower head without getting in. If he took a complete shower then he wouldn't be 'quick' as he'd promised.


Jungkook looked in his dresser for more comfortable pants to wear to bed. Both he and Jimin wore jeans to school instead of basketball shorts or sweats that most other guys sported, but there really wasn't a particular reason why they did that. He decided on wearing sweats to bed in case his old sleeping habit returned and he put his leg around Jimin. If he wore shorts then the older would complain twice as much.

That thought, of course, was followed by his remembrance of Jimin's apology. Jungkook smiled again and put the sweats back into the drawer before pushing it closed. He pulled his jeans off until he was only in his boxers and tossed the article of clothing onto the floor near the door.

It was only seven, but Jimin had said he was tired and needed to shower yet. They hadn't spent too much time at the gym that day, and Jungkook hadn't broken too much a sweat. He preferred showering in the morning anyways, so that was what he'd do. The male fixed the positioning of the pillows to the way it usually was when Jimin stayed over. The shorter never slept with a pillow, which the taller never understood. It was when he tossed the extra pillows onto the floor when the damp-haired Jimin entered.

"That was quick. You must be eager to sleep with me, huh?"

"Where are your pants?" the guest asked right away, wearing only his jeans as he didn't want to put the same shirt back on.

"They're right there," Jungkook responded with a nod towards Jimin's feet. "Why are you still in those? You're not wearing those to bed are you? Sleeping in skinny jeans shrinks your junk, you know."

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