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"Maybe I was wrong," Jungkook said, hands in pockets. "Maybe it's because it all goes to your ass."

Jimin pushed against him with his shoulder. "I really wish you'd stop talking about my butt...."

While Jungkook had ordered a large combo off a Big Mac, the other had settled with a regular cheeseburger meal. Because of this, the former had said:

"The reason your ass looks so big is because your waist is so thin." Later on, he'd ended up forcing Jimin to eat half of his burger.

"I like talking about it," Jungkook said. There was a moment of comfortable quiet between them, both wearing gentle smiles, and it lasted up until they were in close proximity to Jimin's house. "I'm a little tired," the younger lied, very obviously. "I don't want to have to walk all the way back to the bus stop-"

"I'm sure my mom will give you a ride," Jimin interjected. He knew what the game was, and he wasn't going to lose it.

"Such a waste of gasoline. I'll just leave early in the morning." Jungkook pulled his hands out to rub them together, to blow warm air into them. Jimin wore a sweatshirt, a slightly better article than the jacket the younger had tried to cope with. It was the wind chill to blame. "It'll be warmer then, anyways."

The bad logic made the older shake his head, but he didn't counter it. You can't fight Jungkook's bad logic with any logic. It was best to keep quiet.

Jimin opened the front door, pushed it back lightly once he went through in order to hit Jungkook a little. Just to bother Jungkook a little. It did bother him. A little.

"We're back," Jimin called out as he took his shoes off, Jungkook doing the same. He went into the kitchen to find his mother putting candles into a frosted cake while his father stood on standby with a lighter. They smiled, bright and happy and warm. Their son couldn't help but do the same.

"Happy birthday, Jiminie," the oldest male said, his voice escaping its usual deep and echoing sound to take on a more kind and gentle one. They didn't sing the song because everyone in the room knew how much Jimin hated that song, and so the father lit the candles, the mother pushed the plate forward, and the friend kept himself from holding the birthday boy around the waist as someone of a higher ranking would.

Jimin took a deep breath in, bent over to get to mouth level with the flames of the wax sticks. Jungkook moved a step to the left as it happened to prevent that contact he didn't need just yet. He watched the plentiful amount of candles go out in a single blow. Impressive.

The three observers clapped lightly before one of them, the mother, kissed her son on the top of the head. She looked at Jungkook, went to him next, and surprised him with a tight hug.

"Want a slice?" Jimin's father asked.

"No, thanks. I'll have one tomorrow. I'm still full from supper." That statement, for once, wasn't a lie. Jimin was full. "Thank you, Dad."

"I'm okay with it," the woman whispered into Jungkook's ear as they hugged. When she pulled away, her smile was soft, genuine, as if she'd said something impactful. Jungkook, though, didn't know what exactly she was okay with....

The boy smiled back anyways, and asked her, "Would it be okay if I stayed the night?" Jimin turned his head.

She nodded in reply, almost about to take it back after she'd done it. Shouldn't she ask him to wait until they were older? Or would that be weird of her? Yes, she'd better stay quiet. It wasn't like Jungkook had any dirty thoughts like that either way, and she wouldn't want to give him ideas like that.

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