2: "Oppa~!"

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Jimin collapsed onto his bed the moment the door closed. Tomorrow would be Monday, the beginning of another long school week. Sometimes he wondered if he'd be able to make it through the day without having Jungkook in the majority of his classes. He was the only real friend Jimin had.

The tired male opened a group chat he'd been added to--on accident--by someone he didn't know too well. He would've left if it weren't for how much they gossip within that group. He knew it was bad of him, but hearing about his classmates' personal lives was too difficult to turn away. There's almost a sense of security in knowing what happens around school.

He skimmed the texts from old to recent, chest tightening when he stumbles upon Ji-eun's name.

"You hear about why ji-eun dumped Donghyuk? lol"

"i only heard he spent a lot on her"

"yeah he did. He even got to kiss her. lucky man."

"Thats why she left him lol He cant kiss"

Jimin jolted into a sitting position, phone clasped tight within slender fingers. She broke up with someone because they couldn't kiss? He himself had never kissed anyone before. She would never like him if he couldn't kiss her right. . .

It was irrational thinking and he was aware, not truly believing he'd ever get the chance to, but he rolled onto his stomach and exited the group chat with a busy mind anyway, opening his message thread with Jungkook instead. "So she didn't leave him because of his haircut?" he sent, lifting his hand to bite at his nails while awaiting a response. The word below his message switched from "delivered" to "read". Jungkook wasn't typing, either. "Hey, I know you saw that. Answer me."

Jimin grew impatient. His friend accused him of being weird, but Jungkook was the one acting differently. He had always replied to his texts right away if he had his phone on him, but lately it was rare to even see them opened.

The short male shut his phone off and dropped it onto his bed, rolling onto his back to stare at his plain white ceiling. Plain. Wasn't that all Jimin was? A perfect girl like Ji-eun wouldn't go for a plain guy like Jimin. There were too many obstacles for him to pass in order to get a girl like that. He didn't have the look, the attitude, the personality it took. He didn't have anything desirable, really.

His phone buzzed. He placed the pity party on hold to pick the device back up, hovering it above his face.

Jungkook had responded. "I was just using the haircut thing to get to you." Jimin shook his head, smiling a bit. He hurried to type his response.

"I already went to the barber. I have a buzz cut now."

Jimin's phone started ringing right after the text was marked as "read" and he broke into a fit of giggles, stifling them with a bite of his lip to accept Jungkook's request to FaceTime. "Hello?" he said, camera covered with his thumb.

"You better be joking," Jungkook warned in a stern voice. The older could see he was in his den, lounging on the couch with his hand deep in a can of Pringles. "If you're not, I'll kill you. And if you are, I'm going to kill you." He set the phone against his propped leg to pull a stack of chips from the can.

Jimin sucked air through his teeth. "Can I hear my options one more time?"

"Take your finger off the camera so I can see if I'll sleep tonight or not," the younger demanded before a bite into the chips. Jimin obeyed, doing just as told with a mocking jazz hand prior to the sweep of a palm through sable hair, reassuring Jungkook that he hadn't really gotten it cut. The younger male picked his phone up to get a closer look at his screen. "You really scared me, shithead."

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