~Smut~ 23: "I finally found a workout I enjoy."

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okay just a disclaimer: 

i haven't touched this book for literally over a year, so if this smut is shit, I'm sorry. Since then I've been researching and educating myself on writing so I could be better, and after rereading this, I'm 100% sure it is. This was my first full-length actual-romance fanfiction ever. I look back at it as a memento, but my new stuff is definitely better, I promise.

please don't use this against me as an author; i promise i'm a good writer lol?

Jimin came into his bedroom as silent as he could manage, assuming Jungkook was asleep as he said he was. Of course, he knew the younger male was planning something. He wasn't stupid. The older just hoped a little bit, that after a two hour movie and a half hour shower, Jungkook had miraculously fallen asleep.

That seemed to have been the case, too, given the still lump under the comforter. Jimin left the door open to allow light into the room. He used that light to see his way to his dresser, to see the clothes he picked out of the drawers. The male was only in his boxers, not having the bravery to risk going out in only a towel. It was smart of him not to go out in only a towel.

Jungkook pulled the blanket down a slight so he'd be able to see Jimin from where he laid. How good the older looked played the role in his sudden return of thirst. How long he had to wait played the role in the amount of patience he had left.

Jimin's phone buzzed from a notification, and the younger male lifted the blanket up just in time to not be caught staring. A ball of worry formed in Jimin's gut when he remembered what was being said in the group chat before he was taken out to eat. What if Jungkook read the texts? He'd think Jimin was some big drama-lover, when really he was the exact opposite.

The worried boy headed towards his bedside table without getting dressed. All the anxiety he got from the possibility of his friend having seen his lock screen blinded him from the idea of Jungkook still being awake. He'd stepped on a small pile of clothes once he reached his phone. It took him a moment to realize they were Jungkook's, and the moment he spent on that was just a moment too long.

The younger male flipped the comforter off himself quickly, quick enough to be able to take Jimin by surprise. Jimin turned in an effort to escape, but that only resulted in being grabbed roughly by the bare waist. Jungkook yanked him backward and into bed. He swung a leg around the older to trap him against the sheets.

"What?" Jimin whispered, somehow casually even after the wrestling move was played on him. Jungkook's eyes fell on his mouth the moment those lips moved. He leaned in slightly, wanting to take them, but stopped halfway. Jimin held his breath. A part of him wanted to be kissed, but the other...

The other knew where Jungkook's heart was.

And he, too, must've realized it, because he backed away right before he allowed it. He even went as far as to get off the bed. Jimin's heart sank as he watched it happen, as the younger male went for the door. Things were going to be made weird again, weren't they? Would Jungkook ignore him because of that? His thoughts.

They were interrupted by the door shutting, by the last bit of light diminishing away as its source was blocked. A lock clicked now. His lock. Before he could even think of how much he'd misconstrued the situation, before he could get out of that vulnerable position, Jungkook was back in bed with half the self-control he had just a moment prior. There was no escape now. Jimin was trapped and he knew that.

And so he thought, What would Seok-Woo do?

It was that of which provoked his next move. He reached up for a pillow just as Jungkook crawled back over him. The latter was clueless due to the dark. He used one hand to search the sheets for Jimin's hair, grabbed onto it upon finding, began to lean downward. "The best gifts are from the heart, right-?"

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