9: "Look- I have a bulge."

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It was past eleven. Jungkook had given up checking a while ago. He'd thought of multiple things in the quiet hours that passed, from his classes to things he needed to add to the shopping list to the day he spent with Jimin. That last one was most of it. And he couldn't get over it. 'It' being what repeated itself in his head.

Am I gay?

There was no way he could be. That thought was so berserk that Jungkook said out loud: "What am I thinking?" It was one of those thoughts. The insomniac took a deep breath and shut his eyes. He felt like he was right about to fall asleep with how his eyelids weighted down, and how warmth surrounded him perfectly. That warmth. . .

That warmth suddenly became uneven. One side was warmer than the other, and the obvious culprit was Jimin. The short male had his nose pushed against the side of Jungkook's upper arm, his own arms draped around it loosely like he was hugging a newly met relative. The taller's eyelids were light again now, but he grinned. He hoped his friend stayed there. Not because it was comfortable, or because he liked it or anything. It was solely because he wanted to call Jimin a hypocrite when he woke up. Yeah, that was it. That's what he told himself.

Jimin tried to turn and face the wall, but Jungkook worked quickly to roll onto his side and put his non-captive arm around the hugger to keep him there. It was uncomfortable. His chin was hanging over the shorter's shoulder, but it wasn't resting against it due to gravity not accepting it. It strained his neck. Does it matter this much?

Jungkook gave up on that strategy after a few minutes. Now back on his back, cracking his neck, he was pleased with how Jimin's hold around his arm had tightened. Along with it tightening, the taller's hand was pulled against something of the older's. He heated up when he realized that. Instead of thinking of how to get his hand away without pushing the male off, he was thinking of the possibility of Jimin being bigger than he was.

Nope. There's no way.

He clenched his hand into a fist to help adjust the contact. It did fix most of the problem, and that was likely the best it was going to get. Jungkook looked at his friend's face, now that he could focus on it. It was only half of his face that the awake male could see, his own arm being in the way, but he liked the way Jimin looked anyhow. As if mocking himself, he thought, Take a picture; it'll last longer. 

And so he accepted that idea. Jungkook reached for his phone with the hand closest to the nightstand. He squinted at the brightness that was his home screen, then clicked the camera app. It was too dark to capture it on camera, he realized. The only reason he'd been able to see Jimin's face was because his eyes were adjusted to the dark and his friend was close enough. It would be a risk, but he really wanted that photo.

Jungkook turned on the flash. He knew the other had been a heavy sleeper. When they'd went to one of Taehyung's sleepovers way back in the last year of primary, he'd been the first one out, and the loudness wasn't an issue in keeping him asleep. The insomniac could only hope that Jimin was still that heavy a sleeper when he took the photo. The flash, thankfully, was brief enough to not wake him, but it did cause him to turn the other way. Jungkook frowned. That side of him felt cold now.

The frown was only temporary, as Jungkook had looked to see the photo that'd come out just right. Jimin looked just as he'd hoped he would- almost like a puppy. He didn't bother turning the brightness down even though he stared at the photo for a good minute or two, and despite the time being one according to his phone, he didn't care that it wouldn't help him sleep any easier.

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