20: "I'm not someone who cares about gender."

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Jimin hadn't gone to the gym on Monday. He was persistent enough to be able to work out at home from there on out. Running into Jungkook was not what he needed. Not when he was so sensitive from their break. Well, his break, more like.

There may have been a better, simpler, easier alternative than to ignoring Jungkook entirely, but in Jimin's eyes, it was the best way. A part of him knew he wouldn't be able to put up with it for another six months, and that same part wanted him to approach Jungkook to clear up how he felt. He liked Jungkook, but they couldn't be together. Jimin wouldn't be brave enough to tell his parents, to face Jungkook's, to face society.

Who cares what they think?

That thought, that thought that came out of nowhere, made him stop in his tracks on his way to the entrance of the school. Really. Who cares?

Jimin gave the sidewalk a small smile. He lifted his head, looked at the school, ignored the people walking by who were glancing at him.

All that time he spent worrying about his look, his image, his reputation, all of that was for what? For who? For Ji-eun? For Jungkook? For himself?

Those were all stupid reasons. Ji-eun didn't care about Jimin. Jungkook didn't need Jimin to care. And himself.... He couldn't fool himself.

The smiling boy began walking again, taking those steps for no one.

Not me. I don't care.

He pulled the door open and looked over his shoulder to hold it for the next person to get there in time, replying to the thank-you with a "you're welcome."

His eyes looked all around for his best friend, when they'd finally found him and he began to walk closer until someone moved out of the way to reveal who he was talking to. He was talking to her.

Maybe if it were Yuri, he'd be okay. It wasn't Yuri, though. It was who he saw most fit to be with Jungkook. And Jungkook, Jimin knew, only talked to girls he had plans to date. He'd confronted his feelings already, and so he could admit his jealousy. He could admit how he didn't like Jungkook talking to girls, especially Ji-eun and those of her sort. He could admit how he wanted Jungkook to be with him and neither of them would have to worry about anyone else because they were together and they weren't coming apart ever again.

But, of course, stuff like that only happens in fiction.

Jimin forced his eyes away from the scene and began towards his locker, his smile gone now and his head low again.

Jungkook didn't see him pass, either. He was too focused on his conversation. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Jimin isn't your play-thing."

"I don't know why you're being so rude, Jungkook, but I seriously did nothing wrong." Ji-eun smiled softly in all her innocence, but it faded into a sadder, pitiful expression. "Jimin must've lied about what happened. Just because I didn't want to have sex with him doesn't mean he can go around spreading lies. What kind of people do you hang out with?"

Jungkook clenched his hands into fists at his side. "You and I both know damn well that didn't happen. Jimin isn't like that."

"How would you know how he acts around girls? I'm the first one to actually ask him somewhere, aren't I? Isn't it sad? No girls like him, or find him attractive. He's not cool, or funny. He's really boring, actually. I expected him to be at least a little bit fun, since you hang out with him all the time, but he really isn't. He's just a horny boy who can't get a girl-"

The palm of one of Jungkook's hands lifted to hit the girl across the cheek. The atmosphere went dead. The boy grinned. 

"What the hell!" she shouted after returning from the recoil, lifting a hand to touch the reddening skin. "Did you just hit me?"

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