7: "Stop kissing me against my will."

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Jimin kept his expression as blank as he could while his friend spouted cliche phrases about a girl's features. "Your eyes are so beautiful, my beloved. Your hair. . . is so smooth." The dramatic voice he used wasn't helping the student's attempts at not cracking up.

He'd gone through so many compliments that the older had forgotten what most of them were about in the first place. He could remember hair, eyes, lips, waist, legs, skin, and even nose being mentioned in a few, but there were others he didn't feel like he should remember since he wouldn't have the bravery to say them either way.

"And that's what you don't do," Jungkook said in a normal voice now. "Those are all too normal. Ji-eun has probably heard every single one of those before. You need to compliment things differently."

"Like complimenting her personality?" Jimin intervened, getting a minor glare from the teacher.

"Not even that." He leaned forward, down toward the student slowly. Jungkook placed his hands beside Jimin's legs to stable himself. "You have to notice the little things. Her perfume, what she's done differently lately, how her flaws diminish. Girls like her do whatever it takes to maintain their beauty. Compliment her like this." The teacher pinched Jimin's chin between two fingers and turned his head to the side. By that point the shorter was used to the excessive physical contact. He didn't struggle. "Your jawline looks so pronounced lately."

"You want me to say that to a girl?" Jimin pulled the taller's hand down, returning his head to face forward. "She'll think I'm weird."

"That made you feel better about yourself, though, didn't it?" The younger didn't move away quite yet, still staring at his friend.

"No, not really. I don't care about how my jawline looks." The older leaned back and crossed his arms to show he wasn't getting what Jungkook was trying to teach him, even though on the inside he did feel slightly better about himself. His main goal was to slim down body fat, and if his jaw looks sharp, then that was one step further.

"The point is: compliment things she'd never notice. It gives her more to feel self-confident about. Now, let's review what we just learned." Jungkook fell to one side of Jimin and crossed his legs femininely. "Let's start with a mock date. Go."

The shorter hurried to turn and face the teacher while clearing his throat. He didn't understand why Jungkook was so rushed. They had plenty of time before they had to sleep. "Uh," he began. "Your jawline looks good."

The taller slapped the side of Jimin's face softly. "If you're going to steal my compliment, at least word it correctly. Use a different one."

Why does he have to be so damn strict? the student asked himself, nodding at Jungkook's statement. The former took a deep breath as the latter took the feminine role back on.

"Ji-eun. . . I never noticed how pretty your hands are."

"My hands?" the taller asked in a girlish voice. He lifted a hand from its resting position on his crossed leg and examined it. "What about them made you say that?"

Jimin hesitated, unsure of what else to say. "Your nails are so. . . . Jungkook, I don't think this is working. You pretending to be her won't do any good."

The taller male sighed irritably before uncrossing his legs. "Since you obviously don't know how to sweet talk, we'll skip to the next part for now. Physical contact."

"I just wanted to know how to kiss and you're giving me a full dating lesson," Jimin grumbled, jumping when the younger slid his hand around his waist.

"You won't be able to kiss her if you don't get her in the mood for it. If you just lean in and kiss her she'll think you're a pervert, dumbass." Jungkook placed his other hand on the student's chin and turned his head. "You have to compliment her, put your hands in the right place, and look at her in the right way." The teacher looked at Jimin's lips, back to his eyes, then at his mouth again.

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