16: "Where's your modesty?"

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Jungkook opened the next drawer in Jimin's desk. He was snooping, but, to be fair, he had nothing else to do. And all he was finding were memories anyways.

The drawer he'd just pulled out was full of printed photos. Some of the older's family, some of just Jimin, some of just Jungkook, some of both Jimin and Jungkook. There was even an old one of Taehyung. Jimin really didn't have very many friends growing up. Why that was, Jungkook didn't know for sure. His friend didn't act superior to everyone else, and was very nice to people he had no reason to be rude to. He was rude to the younger because of the rumor, which wasn't the best excuse, but Jungkook could understand it. Jimin was never really ugly, or fat either. In middle school he gained some weight after his favorite grandma died, but when one of his grandpas died not long after, he began starving instead. That'd caused their biggest fight.

Jungkook couldn't figure it out even after so much thinking. Why was he considered 'popular' when Jimin wasn't? The younger's personality may be more carefree than the older's, but usually girls their age were attracted to the more mature guys. Could that be why Ji-eun asked him out? Or did she see as much in Jimin as he did?

If that were so, Jungkook wouldn't be so uneasy about their date tomorrow. What he assumed to be trivial nervousness over Jimin being played was actually much more than that. And it was pushing him over the edge.

The snoop heard a car door shut from outside and leaned over the desk right away to pull one of the window's curtains to the side. It was the pizza delivery guy, the one he'd met Tuesday. It was when Jimin went up to meet him on the sidewalk when that same feeling doubled. He realized it in that moment. It wasn't nervousness, it was jealousy. Even through that emotion, he couldn't help but smile. And he smiled widely. After what Jungkook had just done to him, Jimin had the nerve to approach Hoseok without a shirt on?


The guest rushed to find his wallet when he saw Jimin feeling his pockets the same way he had three days prior, taking a while on searching before he had it in his hand and was racing down the stairs. Jungkook opened the front door. Jimin's teeth clenched when he heard it, but he didn't turn. He didn't need to.

The tallest stepped around the shortest and opened his wallet. "How much?"

Hoseok kept his eyes up, to the side. "$16.47," he mumbled. This guy again.

Jungkook began to fish the money from his wallet. He had a twenty available, but he was going for exact change. Jimin crossed his arms awkwardly. His friend was in nothing but his boxers. There was no way Hoseok wouldn't get the wrong idea.

Jungkook was shameless.

"Here," the youngest one said, holding out a handful of various coins and dollars in his fist. Hoseok moved the carrier to sit against one hip so he could take his payment. "And two pennies. . . ." He dropped those into his hand next with a big smile, closing his wallet up. Jimin lifted one arm to pinch himself between both eyebrows. Jungkook took the carrier from the delivery man and pulled the pizza out himself, giving the annoyed Hoseok a chance to put the change in the bag around his waist. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you."

Hoseok had the carrier handed back to him from the boy, before he had to watch Jimin be grabbed by the wrist and pulled back towards the door. It was like he didn't even try to struggle, like he enjoyed being dragged everywhere. The delivery guy shook his head, then returned the car.

"Jungkook!" Jimin whined loudly after the front door was shut after them. He pushed his friend back by the chest. "Now what will he think?!"

The younger's smile didn't fall. Not as he looked to the side in thought, not as he stepped past Jimin, not as he began his way toward the kitchen. "He'll think that...he has no chance with you." Jungkook set the pizza on the table and went for plates.

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