5: "What? No. Guys don't kiss."

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"I'm not in the mood for working out today," Jungkook complained as he and Jimin left the locker room in their change of clothes. The problem they'd faced earlier was long forgotten because they'd talked the whole period of English and were fully past it. Jimin ended up turning the shirt inside out in the end. Jungkook always cut his tags, so that wasn't a problem.

"After stuffing your face yesterday, this is what you need." Well, maybe the scene from the bathroom wasn't fully forgotten quite yet, because Jimin found himself thinking of how hard Jungkook's chest still was despite his bad eating habits. How he envied him.

The taller exhaled a dragged out breath. "No matter how much I exercise, I'll never have abs like you." He hadn't yet forgotten either, in that moment thinking of how fit Jimin looked while changing shirts--and then again in the locker room. "It's almost insulting that you'd bring me here."

"Trust me when I say I'm reluctant about it--being seen with you." Jimin cracked a smile without fear of people seeing, getting shoved playfully by his friend.

No one from school came to that gym. Everyone who was in a sport had full access to the school's exercise room. It didn't make sense for them to pay for a gym membership when they could go to a free one. Anyone who wasn't in a sport usually didn't care about their fitness, or they worked out from home. Jimin and Jungkook were both the type that exerted themselves further when they had an audience, though. The change of scenery was a second bonus of going to a public place.

"Can you spend the night at my house?" Jungkook asked while following his friend to the weights. They had a routine. Jimin always lifted first. "My parents are still away for work. I hate being in that house alone."

"Because of the ghosts, right?"

"Stop it," the younger whined. "That was a long time ago. I don't believe in ghosts anymore, just noisy water heaters."

Jimin giggled while he laid down on the bench. "I'm not completely sure if I can. I'll call when we're done." He lifted the barbell from the rack and began to lift as Jungkook watched, and he watched closely. The latter's mouth twisted into a smile.

"Have I ever told you how attractive you are from this angle?" His proud expression was unshaken, even after Jimin gave him a look. The receiver of the question took a heavy breath, unsure of how to respond to something like that but given a pride boost anyway. "Not very attractive."

"You-!" Jimin lost his focus on the lifting and it fell towards his chest. Jungkook caught it in time to bring it back up to the rack before the older had the wind knocked out of him. Instead, Jungkook was the one short of air in the end, too busy laughing to worry about breathing.

"Don't- don't get angry and say something you'll regret. This is a Christian gym."

"You're so. . . ." Jimin panted out, not allowing himself to finish. He wanted to smack Jungkook because of his immaturity, but was too out of breath from holding it while lifting. Holding his breath while working out was a bad habit of his. He'd never gotten past it. "I thought you were actually complimenting my appearance for once."

"Is that what you want? I can do it as often as you want me to."

"It doesn't matter now. Just shut up and spot me."


"Alright, yeah. I'll be home around eight then. You guys can eat without me. Love you, too. Bye." Jimin hung up the call with his mother and looked down at his friend who had his head in his hands. "What's your problem?" he asked with a nod of his head.

"I'm just so sad that you can't stay the night," Jungkook replied in a muffled voice, lifting his face to show his teary eyes. "It's scary when I'm home alone!"

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