15: "I'm not letting you be unprepared."

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"Here, let me," the older of the two said while taking the bag Jungkook had been quick with packing. He only really needed a change of clothes for the next morning, in case he and Jimin decided on doing one (other) last thing together.

Such as going out to eat, for example.

Jungkook had been quiet ever since the question for him to sleep over had been posed, not saying a single word while they changed, took the bus to his house, took a second bus to Jimin's house. The closest thing he got to speaking was the greeting he mumbled to Mrs. Park on their way in. For once, he didn't know what he could say. They were close. Close to the end of their friendship. Close to separating for good. Just not close enough to each other. What can you say to someone you've known as long as you can remember, who you've always had with you and near you, when you know that your time is running out?

The things Jungkook would've wanted to do if they were younger would simply be to play as many games as they could. To play everything one final time and to not worry until it's the exact second he has to leave. That was how he should treat it. Like one of their old sleepovers. He wouldn't be sad until his mother came to pick him up.

Jimin had set the bag at the foot of his bed, and was now standing uncomfortably with his eyes watching the floor-staring guest. "Let's order a pizza," that guest suggested without so much as a glance towards his host. "I'll call." He patted his pockets down, having forgotten his phone was still in his mother's possession.

"I'll do it," Jimin assured. "Give me a second."

He pulled his cell phone from his back pocket on his way out, dialing on his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Once his mother was informed--and persuaded to allow it--, the call button was tapped.

Jungkook pulled his shirt up and over his head. Wait. Was he not allowed to do that anymore? Be shirtless in front of Jimin? Idiot. It was just yesterday when you had only boxers on--and you held the guy.

He wished he could go back to the night before. No. He wished he could go back to Tuesday, when his feelings weren't as complicated. He didn't know when exactly they'd become that way. He didn't know why they'd become that way. Was it just because of how hot their making out had gotten? Was it just a physical thing? If only he were oblivious. If only he could hope that it was just a physical thing. He'd been with too many people to be unaware about how each feeling felt, and that feeling he felt for Jimin was the combination of many. There'd been points when Jungkook only liked a girl for her body, when he'd liked her for only her face, or her mindset, or her values, or her words, or her skills. Yuri was the one girl he liked for more than two of those things. And even then, Yuri was second place. Second but not even close to first.

Jungkook fell back onto his friend's bed with only his boxers on. He'd come to the conclusion. If that really was their last time together, he had to make the most of it. That night would be the one time he got the chance to do what he wanted. It didn't matter what Jimin thought of him tomorrow. Jungkook needed to satisfy himself. He needed to be selfish.

"That stupid person was on the phone again," the host said as he came back into the room. He shut the door after him without really thinking. A habitual thing when Jungkook was over. "Took forever."

"Can I borrow your phone?" was the only response to the comment, the only thing the youngest could come up with. When Jimin turned his head to look at his friend, his eyes disobeyed his mentality. These sinful brown eyes examined the body laying in his bed when they weren't supposed to be affected by a common sight like that. They weren't supposed to enjoy what they saw, or stop in the worst place to stop like they did. They did, though. And it was noticed, too, when the head of that figure turned, cutting off its staring contest with the ceiling. "Jimin." A neutral voice.

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