24: "Turning me on before school."

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Jungkook's eyes opened on their own. There wasn't an alarm, or a light, or a dream that brought him to wake. He just did, and that was a rare occurrence-- especially on a school day.

There was no light coming through the blinds, and so he reached over to the nightstand to turn the lamp on. He took a deep breath; the boy hated when that happened. He knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. Still, though, Jungkook turned onto his other side where he was faced with the horrible sight. 

Jimin was truly a hideous sleeper that night. His mouth was wide open, his arms and legs taking up three quarters of the bed, the sheet tangled around his legs. Perhaps the cold was why Jungkook woke up, or maybe it was the lack of space he had. Whatever it was, he was glad it'd done its part. 

The awake male reached for his phone on the nightstand and was quick to get his camera ready after turning off his alarms. "This lighting's amazing," he said to himself, quietly as to not disturb his subject. Jungkook took two pictures then, very carefully, lifted himself out of the bed. He had to get a full picture of the scene. Only when he'd taken three did he notice it.

Jimin was wearing his boxers. With how tired they were last night, it came to be no surprise, but... Is Jimin bigger than me?

He had too much pride for it not to worry him. By no means was he small. He was just average and, though Jimin didn't seem to have a problem with it, that always made him feel under average. There was only one thing that his self-confidence depended on in that moment.

And that was Jimin's dick.

Jungkook stealthily climbed back into bed, crawling over to where the ugly sleeper lay. "Where the ugly sleeper lay", of course, doesn't give a precise location given how much of the bed he was taking up, but one could guess where the curious boy was headed.

Jungkook put his hand on Jimin's thigh to test. There was no reaction to his touch, as expected of a heavy sleeper, and so he took a deep breath. It was all depending on this, on this moment. Three, two...

And just like that, Jungkook groped his best friend by the front of the boxers. He flinched immediately from the worry of Jimin waking, but that event didn't come. He relaxed, fixed his grip to get a better feel. Jimin did seem to be pretty big. That wasn't okay. It'd be embarrassing if Jimin were bigger than him. His pride would be hurt and he'd be too humiliated to go without clothes around him. Was that immature? Maybe.

Jungkook tried getting a hold around Jimin, and it was only then when he realized the older was certainly bigger. He cursed, coming up with excuses that he'd felt incorrectly. There was only one way to be absolutely certain-- To look.

The male moved his eyes to the edge of his boxers, staring at them for a moment. Skin-to-skin contact down there was dangerous. He'd have to be three times as careful. Half of him wanted to be ready with an excuse, though half of him wasn't sure if he'd need one. Would he even care? 

I'd be okay with being woken up like that....

Jimin didn't like being touched before last night. 

That was before last night. 

Jungkook, without much worry now, pulled at the edge of his boxers, bringing them up just an inch. He remained careful and delicate. Even if Jimin would've liked where it was headed, feeling a cold draft down your boxers in the morning was suspicious. Jimin could possibly come at him with a fist. He tugged upward just an inch more, leaning his head down to try and get a look.... He was so close to actually seeing something, so invested in his task.

It was reasonable to think Jimin's alarm would give him a sudden scare. He'd let go of the boxers immediately and turned around to face the wall as his legs hung over the side of the bed. Jimin shifted. The alarm was stopped. He yawned. As much as Jungkook wanted to turn and look at him, he was too focused on staring at the wall with his eyes wide and his heart rapid. There was a moment before two arms went around his shoulders from behind.

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