13: "If we shower at the same time."

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With morning came Jungkook's alarm. Jimin opened his eyes first. He was almost convinced the alarm was in his head because of how dark it still was. It didn't take him long to realize that he was just really close to his friend, in the same position he'd fallen asleep in. The only thing different was the taller resting his chin on the shorter's head.

Jimin pulled his head back and looked up. The morning light was coming through the closed blinds just barely, so it was just a slight bit less dark than the night before. The older looked at his friend's face. How could he sleep through that annoying noise? He would've woken the younger up and get him to turn it off, but the poor guy fell asleep crying last night. Jimin was already guilty enough. And so he decided on shutting it off himself.

He slowly moved Jungkook's arm to lay against the bed, the first step being to free himself. The next one was to get to the alarm. Jimin didn't see the reason in getting out of the warm bed just to shut it off, leading him to the action of simply leaning over his friend to reach it. His sleeping friend shifted onto his back beneath him, but he was busy feeling for the stop button. Jimin had to bring one leg around Jungkook to turn the lamp on for assistance in his efforts. If a sound that loud wouldn't wake Jungkook up, then a light that dim shouldn't either. Only when the ear-piercing sound stopped did he realize he was wrong. Only when his ass was being grabbed did he realize he was so wrong.

"Are we still on lesson two?" asked the younger from where he laid, tiredly grinning at the dumbstruck expression he was staring at.

Jimin could swear he'd just had a heart attack, only instead of his heart stopping, it went even quicker. That was normal. Anyone would've felt that way if they were grabbed out of nowhere like that. It was just the surprise that made him paralyzed for a moment, just the scare that made his eyes widen. It was just the sudden action that made his heart race. The only fault in that logic, however, was that his heart wouldn't slow back down.

"I don't need you to teach me anymore," he mumbled, looking to the side instead of down. Ugh, why'd he turn the lamp on? Now Jungkook would see his blushing for sure.

"I beg to differ." One of the hands that'd grabbed the older's rear let go, allowing one ounce more of comfort for the victim. That ounce, plus another, was taken away again when that same hand pulled Jimin down by the front of his shirt. "Your kissing still needs improvement, last I checked."

When Jungkook looked at his lips, the shorter turned his head away. "You might be contagious still. I can't get sick."

"My throat doesn't hurt even a little anymore," the taller whined out. "You complained about how we made no progress yesterday and now you don't even want to. . . ."

"We don't have the time anyways." Jimin pried the hand from his shirt and put some distance between them before continuing, "Can you let me get up now? You need to get up, too, and find me some clothes."

"How about we don't go to school today?" Jungkook suggested, biting his lower lip in a way that wasn't meant to be sexy, but thoughtful instead. It failed. "Let's go to the gym and then a movie and then out to eat and then come back and make cookies-"

"We aren't skipping school to do that."

"We don't have to do it in that order."

"Do you not care about your grades? How are you going to get into university if you're so ignorant towards school?" Jimin used the moment of pouting from the younger to free himself, getting off the bed completely so he wouldn't be trapped again.

Jungkook couldn't respond with what he wanted to, that school was easy for him. The only time he'd ever studied for tests was when he and Jimin studied together, and even then, he didn't really need those study dates to get straight As in every class. If he said school was too easy out loud, it'd sound like he was bragging. He didn't enjoy sounding like a braggart. The once sick male was just the victim of a photographic memory, and that's why school was so easy for him. And that's exactly why he didn't like school.

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