11: "Let me keep holding you for a while."

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Jimin knocked on the door of his friend's house. He knew his parents were back, so he didn't want to just go in as he usually did. His wish for it being Jungkook answering the door wasn't satisfied.

"It's been a while since I saw you last," Jungkook's father said. "Thought you two weren't friends anymore or something." He stepped to the side to allow the male in.

Jimin removed his shoes. "No, we still are. It's a challenge, let me tell you."

The father let out a short laugh. "He's in his room. Go ahead. Don't get too close; he has a bad cold."

"Is that why he was gone today?" Jimin started towards the hallway, keeping his eyes on the man while the older returned to his spot at the counter where he'd been preparing dinner. "I tried calling him but he never answered."

"Yeah. . . . He got home two hours late yesterday. You know how Sujin is. She took his phone away because of it."

Two hours late? He had half an hour to get home on time.

"I don't know why he was so late. Must've been meeting with his girlfriend."

"He has one of those? It's about time. . . ."

Jimin knew his parents were rarely around, but how could they not know about all the girlfriends he'd had? There had to be at least one who he introduced to his parents- or one he at least told his parents about. The guest ignored the comment other than giving a small laugh, making his way to Jungkook's room at a quick pace as to avoid any more uncomfortable conversation. He only felt safe when he was inside the room, but that safety wouldn't stick around for much longer.

Jungkook was in his bed, his covers around him like a cocoon. He looked horrible. But when it came to Jungkook, even when he looked horrible, he looked good. "Hey," Jimin said in a quiet voice while shutting the door and shuffling his feet to his friend's bed. His curtains were shut to prevent the light from coming inside, and the guest wouldn't dare turn the lights on when the host felt sick.

Jungkook shifted and opened his eyes. "Why are you here?" he asked with a hoarse voice.

"I got worried. You wouldn't answer my calls." Jimin sat on the side of the younger's bed, his hands resting around the edge. "I heard you got your phone taken away for being a bad boy."

"Aw. You worry about me?" Jungkook smiled up at the shorter who looked right back. He received a scoff.

"Only because it's the third day in a row I had to sit alone at lunch. Do you know how humiliating that is? I look like such a loser."

Jungkook kept quiet. He didn't have anything to respond with, so didn't bother responding. "Can you lay with me, Jimin?" he asked instead. His voice made him sound so vulnerable.

The older hesitated, but mumbled a "mhm" after thinking it through. He owed Jungkook. The taller did a lot for him. It took him up to yesterday to notice that.

He brought his legs up onto the bed and laid down on his back beside his friend, their heads on the same pillow. The bed's owner was laying in the middle of it, so there was enough room for the guest to manage.

The older shut his eyes at the sound of his friend's breathing, trying to wait for it to even out. He wanted him to get back to sleep so he wouldn't keep him from leaving. Jimin's mother thought him to be eating over here, and he was expected to be home by nine.

Jungkook surprised his guest by bringing the blankets around him, adjusting them to cover him completely. "Thank you," the sicker male whispered as he laid his head down to face Jimin's. "I like it when you're nice to me like this."

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