Holiday szn

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We're flying back to New York tonight so we can spend the holidays in the hamptons. "Bae I got a serious question be honest Ight don't laugh either."jalen said as I was slowly falling asleep. "Mhm. Wassup."I responded half sleep. "You in the mile high club?"he bluntly asked making me giggle. "Nigga no. Are you."I laughed. "Hell yea!"he proudly answered. "What happened?"I asked. "Well back in my hoe days this shorty was sitting next to on the plane was giving me that look you know so I did what I had to do."he explained clearly impressed with himself. " irritating bruh so you telling me you would just give it up because I gave you a look?"I laughed. "Nah you not easy. I have to talk you nice and all that and I respect you way to much."He said.  "Well duh I'm better than those girls."i cheesed. Nyx started to cry and wake up, Jalen changed his diaper and I got a bottle so he could go back to sleep. "Aye when he go back to sleep imma put you in the mile high club."jalen whispered making me smile. "Whatever kid."I brushed off.

We were about 1 hour away from landing and I was finally about to get into a deep sleep when jalen starts kissing my neck and feeling me up. "Jalen baby ssstop I haven't slept today."I semi moaned. "Relaaax ma let me do what I do."he smirked hovering over me. "No really bae later Please."I said. "Wassup with you? we haven't had sex since you gave birth."He asked. "My body is not where id like it to be, I still have this baby weight and I'm really just not feeling myself."I admitted that I wasn't totally comfortable with my body after giving birth. My dads trainer was supposed to help me bounce back buuuuut I been slacking on my part. "Oh thank God i didn't fall in love with your body. Baby I know you're not gonna have a perfect supermodel body 6 months after giving birth. You still beautiful. the same girl I fell in love with 3 years ago everything about you is beautiful."he smiled making me tear up. "I love you."I smiled back up at him.

We finally landed back in cold ass New York. I called my parents to let them know we're back and we'll be heading to the hamptons in the morning but we're staying at my place tonight. "Can you hail a taxi or something my mans is cold."jalen laughed referring to Nyx. "Nah our uber supposed to be here."I said checking my phone. I'm guessing they won't let him back here in the private landing strip.  When they finally let him back we loaded the car and headed to tribeca.

Jalen POV

When we got in the house we all went upstairs. I put Nyx in his play chair and followed liv into the bathroom. "Can you get out I'm bout to get undressed?"she asked covering herself. "So I've seen you naked before and I've always liked what I saw."I winked. "Well that was before the stretch marks and baby weight now leave please so I can shower."she whined. I left out the bathroom and laid up with my boy.

"Maaaaan yo momma fine as hell ion know why she be trippin

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"Maaaaan yo momma fine as hell ion know why she be trippin."I said to him knowing he wasn't comprehending what I was saying. "Lets call your grandma."I said FaceTiming my mom. "Hey ma we back in town."I said showing Nyx. "Hello my nyxie grandma missed you."she squealed making him laugh. "You still coming to the hamptons right?"I asked. "Yea I'm leaving in the morning how's liv?"she asked. "She good excited to see all of our family tomorrow but she's been acting funny about her body lately. "I brought up. "Well every woman goes through that after giving birth. Just remind her how beautiful she is."she said. "I'll figure it out ma. So what's been going on?"I asked. "Oh your dad has been looking for you."she said as I rolled my eyes. "Maaan for what?"I sighed. I haven't seen that nigga since I was like 4 what the fuck could he want now. "Your sister said that he'll be in town and he wants to meet Olivia and Nyx and talk to you so She gave him your number. "She shrugged. "why I don't need this shit in my life right now. I'm doing great with out him."I sighed. "Just let him meet his grandson at least."she persuaded. "Nyx is not his grandson but I'll think about it. And I'll see you tomorrow"I said. "Ight y'all get some rest love y'all."she hung up. Liv came out the bathroom drying her hair. "What's wrong with you?"she asked climbing in the bed. "My dad wants to come see me and talk and shit."I sighed. "Ooooo I want to meet him."she lit up. "Ion wanna talk about him right now I want to talk about you feeling some type of way about how you look."I said raising my eyebrows as she rolled her eyes. I went and put Nyx in his crib and got back into bed and pulled liv on top of me.


"What are you up too?"I laughed as he kissed me. "Shh don't say nothing."he whispered as his kisses traveled down my body. He pulled my shirt off as I just looked into his eyes. "I love everything about you stretch marks and all."He said kissing up my stomach sending chills through my body. I rolled us over and looked at him, "you just gotta be in control huh."he laughed. "If thats a problem do something about it."I smirked. He pushed all of himself into me , "ooooh right there bae."I moaned.

We're going on our fourth round neither of us are tapping out. It's been so long since we've been intimate with each other but it's mostly my fault for being so stubborn. I soon reached my climax once again and tapped out I had a leg cramp out of this world. "You got it baby."i laughed. "You give up that quick."he laughed getting out the bed. "Well first of all my leg got a cramp second of all I'm tired as hell so."I said. He went and took his shower and I put new sheets on the bed. Before Jalen could get out of the shower I was fast asleep.

The next morning

"If you want to go to the game tomorrow with my dad we can just ride back with him."I said packing an over night bag for Nyx and I. "Why don't you drive your car and have all the stuff in there and we leave right after the game."He suggested. "That's probably best and by the way I invited your dad to thanksgiving dinner."I blurted out. "Olivia I don't want him in my life what do you not get about that. He's done nothing for me but now that I'm actually making something of myself he finds a way back in my life."he said. "Family is family whether you want them or not you can't choose family period. What if Nyx grows up hating you. and plus I want to meet him."I said. "Noo bruh."he sighed. "Whatever im grown Imma do what I want you just stay away from him during dinner then."i shrugged. "You always think someone playin with you like that shit not cool bruh if I say no I mean that shit ."he said clearly frustrated. "Watch how you talk to me I am not your daughter nigga imma do what I want because I am a grown ass adult so get as mad as you want ."I rolled my eyes continuing to pack. He slammed the refrigerator door and went upstairs to throw his fit. He soon came back down stairs in his work out clothes, "I'm going to the gym."he said. "Cool...."I nodded.

I put Nyx down for his nap and ordered some Chinese food. It's been a few hours and Jalen has yet to come back home. I grabbed the baby monitor and went downstairs to the gym to check on him.

I saw him lifting weights in the back listening to music

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I saw him lifting weights in the back listening to music. I walked over to him and waited for him to notice me. He took his headphones off and shot me a look,"What?"he said. "Nothing I just wanted to check on you. And dinner should be here in a minute."I said leaning against the equipment. "Ight im on my way."he said grabbing his towel. "K."I nodded going to the door.

I sat on the couch watching tv and eating. Jalen came back downstairs from the shower and joined me on the couch. It was a pretty awkward silence Jalen reached over and took the remote and turned the channel. "I was watch that."I said. "So go upstairs."he shrugged. "Grow the fuck up jalen."I said trying to take the remote back.  "Move bruh chill out sports center goes off in like 30 minutes."he said. "Give it here."I reached again but this time I grab it. He pulled me on top of him bringing us face to face while I still held on to the remote. He poked his lips out for me to kiss, "now you wanna be my friend."I said. "Gimme kiss and we'll call it even."He laughed. I pecked his lips and got up. "I'm sorry for over stepping my boundaries and if you would like I will call and take back my invite."I said. "Nah don't. you did have a small point family is family."he nodded.

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