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^ the song

I woke up before the whole house did and took a shower and kinda got ready for the day. Of course New York's weather was being extra today with all this damn snow. After I took my shower and got dressed I went downstairs and made some coffee lord knows I barley get to sleep anymore. I took my coffee and sat on the couch with my laptop and looked over some beats drake had sent me for my new songs. I called him while listened to the beats hoping he would answer some questions. "Why you calling so early it's 4am in LA?"he asked sound still half sleep. "When are you ever sleep though?"I joked. "What is it liv?"he asked getting to the point. "When can I get some studio time?"I asked making notes. "Um we'll have to see im in the middle of some stuff right now."he said. "I'll be back in LA on Saturday can I come by then?"I asked. "Maaan ion know let me call you later."he said sounding frustrated. "Ugh Whatever bye."I rolled my eyes and hung up.

I continued to go through the beats and silently singing to myself getting an idea of the sound I'm going for. I took a couple notes and corrected some areas of error. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and was joined by Diana. "Good morning. Bruh how do you look so good this damn early."she smiled appearing in the room. "stop it." I laughed. "I heard you all the way upstairs. What's that called?"she asked referring to the song I was touching up. "It's called unfold it's the intro song to this album I'm thinking."I laughed. "It's beautiful. What's it's about?"she asked. "It's gonna sound corny but the whole album is basically about Jalen and I and this song specifically is about prom night."I laughed kind of embarrassed. "You're too cute liv."she smiled going into the kitchen. "Stop. What are you doing up so early?"I asked. "I really don't know I guess I'm use to it what about you?"she asked back. "Same."I laughed. We were soon joined by another pair of footsteps coming down stairs. "Heeyyyyy nephew nyxie."Diana lit up when she saw him in Jalens arms. Jalen went in the fridge and got his bottle out. "Say good morning auntie."Jalen laughed in a baby voice making me laugh. "Damn girl you look good!"jalen admired. "Right I was telling her just a second ago it's too early for her to be looking this cute."Diana joined. "Stop boosting me. "I laughed.

"Why y'all up so early?"he asked feeding Nyx

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"Why y'all up so early?"he asked feeding Nyx. "Working on this song."I nodded putting my empty cup in the sink. "Shiiit im about to go back to sleep."Diana laughed going back upstairs.

Soon one by one everyone started waking up and making their appearance in the kitchen. "Oooo lets go play in the snow!"cj said looking out the window. "Y'all gon freeze y'alls asses off."Ms.trina laughed watching all the kids get hypnotized by the falling snow. "Let's Take Nyx out in the snow."jalen lit up. "I don't want him getting sick."I said. "He'll be fine Olivia."jalen took Nyx and went upstairs to get him dressed. "Make sure you layer him up jalen."I called after him. "You not going with them?"Chris asked "maybe later to get some good pictures."I shrugged. Jalen came back downstairs fully dressed to go outside. "You coming?"He asked putting his hat on. "Yea let me go put something warm on."I forced myself up and put on my coat.

We sat Nyx down in the snow so we could get some pictures of him and this little boy freaked out and started crying. "No nyxie it's okay."I laughed picking him up kissing his cheek. "I guess he doesn't like the snow."jalen laughed. We took a few family pictures and tried to take a little bit more of Nyx but he wasn't having it. "Let me take him back inside and you can take a few pictures of me."I said drying his tears. I put Nyx in some warm pajamas and gave him to my dad. "I'll be right back baby."I said to Nyx kissing his head. As I was walking away I heard him say, "ma ma." "Wait did anyone else hear that or am I tripping."liv I think we all heard it."My dad laughed. I lit up"Say it again, say mama."I smiled picking him up still in disbelief. "Mmmmma-ma."He repeated. "Oooo daddy's finna be mad."I laughed kissing his cheeks. "What's taking you so long."jalen came into the house.  "Nyxie said his first words."I danced with him on my hip. "Say swear. What he say?"he asked. "Say it again for daddy sweetie. Say mama."I squealed. "Mama."He laughed getting the hang of it. "Say dada."jalen tried compete with the fact I was his first word. I sat Nyx down on the couch as he just stared at jalen still oblivious to what was going on.

"Woooooow that's fake Nyx

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"Woooooow that's fake Nyx."jalen laughed picking him up. "You supposed to be my lilman."he laughed kissing his cheek. "Lets go show grandma."jalen walked off with Nyx in his arms. I did a small laugh and sat down next to my dad. "Hey dad, when did you know you wanted to marry mom?"I asked playing with his hair. "Umm when I got drafted."he nodded. "Why?"I asked "because that's a lot to sign up for because all the traveling and potential injury's I'd be going through and she was right by my side through it all."he smiled. "So do you think Jalen and I are ready?"I asked him looking for a honest opinion. "Did he ask you?"he said a little shook up. "No I just want your honest opinion on us."I laughed. "I think y'all are in a good place but don't rush into anything. I told Jalen this when y'all got back together, he has my blessing to marry you, but just please for me don't rush this shit. Marriage ain't nun to play with."he advised. I nodded taking in all his advice when my mom, Ms.trina and grandma heather all came into the front room. "We're gonna go grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. Text me if y'all want anything."My mom said. "Wait did y'all hear Nyx say mama.?"I asked them. "Jalen tried showing us but he wouldn't do it."Ms. Trina laughed. "He's so jealous."i teased as he walks into the room. "No I'm not bruh."he sat down. "Nyxie baby mama."I smiled at him. "Mmamama- mama."he giggled. "That's right let daddy know I'm your favorite."I stuck my tongue out at Jalen. "Don't get cute liv."jalen said. "To late ."I smiled knowing he was shooting me a look.

———————-It got a little later in the evening then sun was just going down

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It got a little later in the evening then sun was just going down. While mostly everyone was at the grocery store getting stuff. Jaz, Nyx and I stayed behind because I wasn't feeling the snow and cold weather. We were watching Tv in my room when the doorbell rang. "Jaz watch him right quick."I said getting up to answer the door. "Hi can I help you?"I asked the man standing in the door way. "Uh yeah im jalens Dad."He said. "Oh my gosh. Hey, I'm Olivia his girlfriend."I laughed. "Wow you're beautiful I'm Demetrius."he introduced. "Nice to meet you come in please."I invited him in. "No ones here now they went out grocery shopping but your grandson is upstairs so you can come up and meet him. We went up stair where Nyx and jaz were and I introduced Jalens Dad to jaz. "This is Nyx."I said handing him to Jalens dad. "How old is he?"He asked. "6 months."I smiled. "Woooow. Hey my man."he said to Nyx. He started crying and reaching for me. "Nyxie that's your other grandpa."I said trying to calm him down.  Demetrius and I went downstairs to talk things over and get to know each other.

A few hours went by and we were joined by everyone that went shopping. "We're back!"Diana called through the house. "Aye who's car is that outside?"trey asked putting a few bags on the counter with Jalen right behind him. I immediately jumped up and met him in the kitchen. "Hey baby."I kissed his lips buying time to get my story together. "Wassup beautiful."he laughed kissing back. Wrapping his arms around my waist trying to get into the front."wheres my son?"He asked looking down at me. "with your dad."I mumble. "Huh?"he asked scrunching up his face. "Your Dad is holding him but before yo-" before I could even finish Jalen made his way into the front room. 

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