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I was leaving back to New York tonight because my dad has practice and my mom has meeting about her fall line, which trey and I have to attend because she's incorporating all off us including lai. It's currently about 3am and we're all cranky as hell."Trey move the fuck out the way walking slow as hell."I said trying to get on the jet. "Yo shut the fuck up liv it's to early to be hearing yo annoying ass."he snapped back. "Both of y'all shut the fuck up because if you wake lai up imma hurt both of y'all."my dad said get to his seat. "Tell him to watch who he talking too."I said. "I ain't watchin shit."trey said under his breath putting his headphones on. My mom threw a water bottle at him, "act like you're 22 not 6."she said laying down next to my dad. I stuck my tongue at him and went back to my phone. "Annoying ass."He said going back to sleep. What's wrong with y'all two y'all be best friends one minute and hate each other the next." My mom said. I laid down on the opposite chair and texted Jalen that I'm taking off now.
After we all woke we were still on the plane. Trey was still sleep in his chair so I decided to bother him. "Does anyone have a pen or a sharpie?"I asked making Everyone look up from their phone. "I think there's a pen in my purse. My mom said looking through her bag. I pulled out the pen and was about to draw on treys face. "Don't do that you know he's gonna get you back way worse."My dad laughed. "You won't let him thought right."I smiled. "Nah karmas a bitch."my dad laughed. "I'm supposed to be your favorite kid."I said pouting. "First of all Lai is my favorite."he joked. "I hope y'all are running sprints today."I said continuing to draw on his face. The my mom came out of the bathroom and looked at us. "Odell why would you let her do that?"she laughed. "They grown now I can't tell them what to do."He laughed watching me draw. "Aaaaaand done. What do you think lai?"I asked her. "Brother looks pretty."she cheesed. "You wanna wake him up?"I laughed. She climbed on top of him and patted his face until he woke up. "Wassup lai. Have we landed?"He asked sitting up. "Nah but you got something on your face bro."I said trynna hold back laughter. He passed lai to me and went to the bathroom. "Olivia are you serious. Ight bet imma get you when you least expect it."he said wiping his face. "Dad said he not gone let you get me back so."I said sticking out my tongue. "Dad didn't say anything dad is staying out of this."My dad said putting his beats on. "You fake."I said throwing the water bottle at my dad.
We soon landed and all went our separate ways. My dad went straight to MetLife and me my mom, trey and ,lai went straight to that meeting.
"So I've done some thinking and I want my kids to be the reason why I want my kids to be modeling this upcoming collection is because I won't be able to after a certain amount of time due to another project.  I know liv and I do wear the same size so liv will be taking my place And it doesn't make since for only one of my kids to be the face of my collection so trey will be the face of the boys/ men  wardrobe and lai will be for the babies/ kids."my mom explained. "Ok so why won't you be able to model yourself?"trey asked. "I'll tell you all after the meeting but right now we're here to discuss ideas and looks for this fall spring and summer."she nodded. Ideas started flowing and notes were taken. "Okay so next meeting we'll have fabrics and sketches and a fitting."my mom said bringing the meeting to a close. My mom stayed behind and checked on her store. "Trey the cars out front you coming?"I said walking out the door. He picked up lai and said goodbye to my mom and walked to the car with me. "Can you take us to MetLife please?" My brother asked the chauffeur.

We got to MetLife and found my dad signing autographs for some fans and talking to reporters. Lai got excited and took off in his direction, trey and I chased after her but in her mind she thought we was playing so she started running circles around us until sterling caught her and picked her up. "Aye O this you?"He laughed holding her in the air. My dad stopped his interview and came over and got lai. "Her badass."trey said catching his breath. "Leave my baby girl alone."he said kissing her cheeks. "How was the meeting?"he asked. "It was weird. Apparently we're all modeling and in charge of moms line this season."I shrugged. "Did she say why yet?"My dad asked. "Nah we came to ask you to see if she told you."trey said tossing a football in the air. "Oh nah i don't know but y'all need to come over tonight for dinner. 8 o'clock don't make her have to come get y'all."My dad laughed. "Kk Bye Love you."i said going back to the car.

I was sitting on the island waiting for whatever my mom needed to tell us

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I was sitting on the island waiting for whatever my mom needed to tell us. "Girl get off of my counter top."she said making everyone's plate. I jumped off and went outside with my dad and brother who were sitting down talking. "What y'all talking about."I said sitting in my dads lap. "Amber."trey laughed. "About damn time."I laughed. "Wait how long have you knew."my dad asked. "Uhm a while. Treys been keeping it from you."I shrugged. "Oh and mom said dinners ready."I said getting up and walking into the house. We all gathered at the table and blessed the food. "Ok so I have a big announcement about my line."my mom said as we ate. "So my manager said that I should open up shops in Atlanta, Miami and LA so I'll be out of state a lot due to me opening up more stores."my mom said. "Congratulations baby."My dad said kissing her. "Thank you. So I'm leaving liv in charge of my store in Manhattan and while I'm gone out of state liv you're  going to be making all the big decisions for this seasons line."my mom said as everyone looked at me. "Why?"I asked confused. "Because you know my store and style and what I look for better than anyone."she said. "I'm flattered but what about my music."I said. "You can do both right."she said sipping her wine. "I mean yea it's just a lot you really think I can handle it?"I asked. "Yea you can always call me if there's a problem."she smiled. "Okayy."i cheesed. "So we answer to liv?"treys bitter ass said. "Yuuuup I'm yo boss."I laughed. "Childish ass."he said under his breath. "I'm sooo excited mom congratulations."I smiled. "Thank you sweetie. Oh and your assistant called saying you have a interview at saks in a few weeks?"my mom questioned. "Oh yeah so I also have news I guess. I mean it's not that big but I have an event coming up and I'm partnering with saks to help complete my look so that's what that is."I explained. "What kind of event?"trey asked. "Something with Pandora.I shrugged. I still haven't got all the details yet."I nodded. We continued to eat and share what we had going on. Soon dinner ended and I headed back home.

I sat on my couch watching tv scrolling on Instagram. I saw that Jalen posted a picture of us from when I visited.

Prettyboijay: I love her that's my forever

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Prettyboijay: I love her that's my forever.
       Oliviaabeckham: 💜love you too
I smiled at the post and kept scrolling.

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