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Calum and I strolled through the mall looking for new soccer items. This is the first time we've hung out since I really started dating Summer. Beverly Hills local mall was packed with high class wannabes and A list bitches. Not that I minded, it is just the simple fact.

"You miss your family?" I ask as Calum tries on a pair of flashy neon cleats.

My friend twists his face. "I think being away from them is good. Just feel bad because Mali isn't there either, she's in London y'know. I'll always miss them though." Calum ties up his laces and rocks back and forth in the shoes.

"I feel you." I shrug. "You like the shoes?" I change from the depressing subject. We make our way from the shoe shop down to a Starbucks just to sit and talk. To be honest I've felt a bit left out from the group. Ashton, Michael, and Cal would all hang out without me—and of course they'd ask but I'd be with Summer. I guess that's my fault.

"How's it going with you and Summer?" He quirks his brow. At the mention of my pretty brunette girl I smile.

"It's good. I never knew that two socially different people could have so much in common." And that we'd love each other.

"Oh? Yeah I like Summer. What things would you guys have in common though?"

"She has insomnia bro." I let her secret slip through my lips. Realizing my mistake my face drops. "Shit, I'm not supposed to tell you about that."

A Calum shakes his head. "Your okay. You know I won't say shit to anyone." He pauses watching me sigh in relief. "But how the fuck does Summer have insomnia?"

I shrug. "She over works herself man. I get worried. It's like the moment she doesn't have straight A's she'll crash." Grimacing at the thought of a distraught Summer I sip on my black coffee.

"Damn, mate. That's the type of stress these rich girls are on." Calum shakes his head with disbelief. He's always been woke knowing not everyone has it easy. However I've been blindsided by the thought of everyone having it easy but me. When I met Summer that all seemed to change. I'm more aware of other people's issues.

"Fuck man." I rub a hand across my face. Suddenly I'm stressed. "I wish everyone just had good lives."

Cal nods. "Yeah, me too."

I drive us back to Calum's apartment where the rest of the guys lay around. A girl in Michael's lap with rose colored hair. "Who the fuck is that." I stare at her with confusion.

"Michael girlfriend." Ashton teases.

"Fuck off dude." Michael rolls his eyes.

"When did this happen?" I ask judging Michael and his girls appearance. She's tall, thin with blue eyes. Something I didn't think Michael was capable of. Though, nothing compares to Summer.

"Bout a week ago. This is Crystal." Mikey shrugs.

Crystal waves. "Hi, Luke." Her voice is soft and elegant. Almost careful in a way.

"Yeah, okay. Sorry for being an ass I'm just naturally judgmental." I apologize, grabbing a Bud Light and sitting on the couch.

"Very true." Ashton nodded.

"Your okay." Crystal smiles.

"How old are you?" I squint, she sounds a bit older.


"Oh, not to bad." I shrug and glance at the television to see what they're watching. "Batman? Really?"

"Only the best superhero ever." Ashton smiles, turning the volume of the tv up.

"Do you think I can invite Summer and her friends over?" I ask the group.

"Who are her friends?"Ashton messes with his hair.

"Katelyn and Benji, from school?" I answer raising a brow.

"I guess." Ashton shrugs and Calum nods.

I call Summer and she says she'll be over in an hour. The hour is long and filled with Calum's dumb little questions and Ashton's banters about Batman. When there's a knock at the door I race over to it and bring my girl into my arms with a goofy smile. With her I'm happy.

Her two friends linger behind but I just wave them on in. Calum can handle them. Summers giggles shake her chest. "Your happy to see me."

"That's because I missed you." I dig my head further into her neck and give the space a soft peck. "And I love you."

"Babe, I love you too." She gives me a  tight squeeze and pulls away. I still have my arm thrown around her shoulders, her wrapped around my waist as she stands by my side.

Katelyn is staring at me with a judge mental gaze. Benji is just looking around Cal's apartment like it's the ducking zoo. "So your Luke?" Katelyn bites. I nod. "And your like, dating Sum's?"

I laugh and look down at my girlfriend. "Sum's?" Summer blushes. "Yeah, we're together."

"I'm watching you. You break her heart, I'll break you." Her eyes glare but I'm not fazed.

"Alright I respect that." Benji stays silent, observing the place.

"We have to introduce you guys to the boys." Summer announces.

"And Michael's girlfriend." I state with a smile.

Summer looks surprised but excited. "No way!" I laugh. She drags us to the living room. "Michael Clifford, I can't believe you've done this!"

I laugh from behind as I watch the show. Michael blushes. "Thanks a lot Luke."

"Hey, I didn't tell her to do this." I raise a hand.

"Summer!" Ashton smiles and grabs her into a hug. Which she returns shortly before breaking through.

Her eyes stare into Michael. "Introduce me." I love my girl.

"I—uh Crystal, this is Summer Luke's girl. Summer, Crystal." He stutters. "Sorry for not telling you sooner."

"Mhm." She rolls her eyes.

At this moment Calum walks in from the bathroom with a funny look and a beer held in hand. "Oh, hi Cal." Summer smiles going over to my number one friend and giving him a small side hug.

"How you doin Summer?" Calum smiles taking a long gulp from the beer.

"Good, very good." She turns back to the group. "I'd like you guys to meet my friends Katelyn, and Benji. Katelyns not interested in you hobos so don't come for her." We all laugh. I love this moment being with all my friends, new and old with my girlfriend. All of us getting along.

Katelyn gives an awkward wave and is instantly immersed in conversation with Calum. Benji stands by the tv. "Batman?"

"Yeah." Ashton smiles.

"Love this movie."

"Finally!" And there goes Ashton.

Summer pulls me over to the couch Crystal and Michael sit at. "You're hair is really pretty." My girl smiles at Michael's. She's genuinely happy and I can tell.

Crystal blushes the color of her hair. "Thank you!"

"What's your natural color?"


"Wow, you have balls."

"Well it used to be purple."


"We should all go on a double date sometime? Before I have to head back to college." Crystal recommended. Summer smiles in agreement.

"Yes! I'd love that. We can drag the boys along." I look up at Michael and roll my eyes. I know well enough she is capable of getting that from me. Anything Summer wants, craves, needs I will try to provide.

The night goes on and we all end up crashing at Cal's. Except Benji who has to head home. We spend the night drinking, playing games, and simply enjoying each other.

Insomnia - luke hemmings Where stories live. Discover now