Chapter 1

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Raheem covered his nose. The smell lingering through his apartments was unbearable. It smelled like cigarettes, piss and mildew. He quickly recovered his key from his pocket. He didn't hesistate opening the door. He stepped in and breathed a breath of relief, before locking the door.

"Dirty ass mufuckas." He mumbled.

He hated his neighboorhood. It was ghetto. You couldn't get any sleep and there was numberous murders. He'd begged his mom to find something better, but she couldn't afford nothing else. Raheem's mother, Nancy didn't have a job. She tried and tried, but no one would hire her. She'd fuck or suck any nigga who crossed her path with big money. She wasn't proud of herself, at all. It fed her son and kept her bills paid, so she wasn't complaining.

If Nancy knew how to get a job, she would. She'd work her ass off, too. She didn't know how to, though. All because of Raheem's father, her late husband. His name was Randy and he'd spoil her, and his son rotten. He'd pay all of the bills, keep them clothed in the latest fashion and kept them fed.

Randy was a dark skinned fella. He had deep dimples, along with his white teeth. He stood at 6'1. He was perfect for Nancy, considering she's 5'3. He was your perfect husband and father. He'd never miss a basketball game, he'd take Nancy on random dates and anything else to make them happy.

When Randy died, Nancy's heart shattered. She'd been with Randy for twenty years and enjoyed every last one of them. He would always say the sweetest things and brighten her day. Everytime she'd see him, she'd fall in love all over again.

Can't forget about Raheem, oh poor Raheem. He wouldn't eat, sleep nor shit. His father was the man he looked up to and dreamed to be like one day. His heart was really broken. He's just recovering from the tragic tragedy that happened three years ago. It was like yesterday, the scene still replayed his head.

Raheem was starving. He was going to ask his mother to whip something up for him before she left. She was going on a girl's night out. He glanced at the time, it was going on nine and his mother left at seven. Raheem walked across the hall, into his parent's room. Randy was laying down, hands behind his head and feat crossed. The tv displayed a Celtics vs. Lakers game, while he watched.

"Dad." Raheem called.

Randy turned his attentions towards his only child and smiled.

"Wassup, son?" Randy said.

"I'm hungry, you mind running me by Mcdonalds?" Raheem asked.

Randy's smile faded. He'd had a long day at work and was playing on relaxing. He was going to say, 'no, go find something to eat in the kitchen' but the sound of Raheem's stomach growling changed his mind.

"I got you. I'll be in the car waiting." Randy got up.

Raheem cheesed, showing all of his white teeth occupied by braces. He went inside his room and put on a pair of Air Jordans. He hurriedly ran down the steps. He was hungry as hell and couldn't wait until he bit into a cheesy big mac. He locked up the crib and walked to his dad's Audi. He hopped inside. The car was already crunk up, so he pulled off.

"Mcdonalds, right?" Randy asked. He's known for forgetting things easily.

Raheem nodded, yes.

Randy let down his windows a little. It was summer and it was hot as hell. He didn't like burning gas, so he didn't turn on the air. The little air from the outside was doing him good. Raheem didn't like riding in silence, so he turned up the radio and instantly turned it back down. It was a slow jam and he wasn't a fan of those. His parents played them so much to the point where they annoyed him now.

Randy found it funny and laughed. Shouldn't have been touching the radio, he thought.

"That's Al Green right there. What's wrong with you?" Randy said, joking.

Raheem didn't know Al Green and could care less about him. He waved his father off. Raheem begin smiling. They were pulling into Mcdonalds and he could already smell the food.

"We going through the drive through or inside?" Randy asked.

Randy knew he'd choose inside. Raheem had a crush on a girl there, Mia. He'd always mess with her. She didn't like Raheem, though. Raheem was in his books and she liked boys who slung drugs for a living, plus she was two years older than him.

"Inside, of course." He replied.

Randy pulled inside a parking space, killing the engine. He got out the car and so did Raheem. They entered the cold place. Raheem silently thanked God there wasn't noone in line. He quickly got in line. He didn't scan the menu one time, he'd get his regular.

"Let me guess a number one?" A female asked.

He knew the girl worked there but he never paid attention to her. She was a cutie, not better than Mia though.

He winked, "Yeah and a coke."

She rung him up. His total was five dollars and thirty cents. Raheem was planning on letting his dad pay for him but he wanted to show off in front of the girl. He whipped out a ten and told her to keep the change.

While he waited for his food, him and his dad joked around. Raheem loved times like that. Little did he know that'd be the last moment they shared like that. Five minutes later, he was walking out with his food. He couldn't wait until they got home, so he was already eating.

"Mmm, this sh- I mean stuff good." He laughed.

Randy side-eyed him. He was about to speak but before you knew it...


Randy immediately fell. His head begin bleeding, as well as the wound in his chest. Raheem couldn't believe his eyes. He dropped his soda, along with his burger. Tears were streaming down his face. He didn't know what to do, he was stuck. He dropped down and held his dad. He was cold and that meant he was dead. Silent cries turned into wails. Soon, the cops were placing his father in a body bag and pulling him away.

Both, Nancy and Raheem blame themselves.

What if Nancy would've stayed home and cooked?

What if they would have took the drive through instead of going inside.

It didn't matter anymore, he's gone.

"Ma, where you at?" Raheem called.

He didn't have to yell. The apartment was so small and bunched together, he was sure she could hear him. She didn't respond. Raheem went inside her room. He thought she was sleeping.

"What the hell?" Raheem yelled.

He was digusted at what laid before his eyes.

His mom.


She was on her knees.

His pants down.

He'd caught his mother sucking dick.

He was furious. Why would his mother come out of her character for some stankin' ass bills? Nancy cried. She didn't want her son seeing her that way. Raheem didn't give a fuck about her cries. He was thinking about the words Cornell said to him earlier.

"You want to make some money? Meet me on the corner at 8."

Raheem had been bestfriends with Cornell since the sandbox. Cornell watched Raheem's mom struggle every single day when Randy was buried. He didn't like it because he'd thought of Nancy as his mother, too. All he wanted was to help.

Cornell was rich in Raheem's eyes. He'd been slanging for years. He just wanted to feed his mom and siblings so he wasn't going to stop. Raheem wanted a regular life. He would like to come home yelling "Honey, I'm home." everynight.

Raheem didn't want to go but he didn't like his mom doing dirty shit. He needed to go and he was going to. He grabbed his bag and left, heading to the corner.

Raheem didn't know the corner would change his life forever.

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