Chapter 22: Aiden

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Chapter 22: Aiden..

Eight months later

"Push baby." Raheem nervously said. He pushed the hairs that had been glued to Kai's face because of sweat away. Raheem hated looking at her with those tears on her face and while she was in pain, he wanted to leave out.

They had been up there since 8AM that morning and the time was going on 12AM at the moment. Kai had been drugged up and everything to numb the pain. Both of their parents had rushed up to the hospital and stood by her side. Raheem had been by her side the whole step of the way, when she screamed his name this morning, he was alert already.

"I'm trying." Kai screamed.

"Push a little more, I think we see a head." Dr.Cole said.

Kai's dad looked stressed. He had been through the same thing with Sandra no more than two months ago. Honestly, he couldn't handle that. The blood, vagina, screaming and everything that came along was too much and he couldn't wait for that to be over. Raheem's mom held Kai's hand and gave her some soothing words. She had been through the same thing and understood her pain. Nobody else could come inside, so people had went home and said they'd be back later on.

Minutes later, cries were heard and the nurses and doctors begin scrambling around the room, glancing at watches and documenting things down.

"We have a boy." The doctor said.

Kai and Raheem wanted the gender to be a surprise and Raheem couldn't be more happier, he wanted a son, he had thanked God because that was a blessing. Kai watched Raheem smile and get the scissors so he could cut the umbilical cord. He shook with every move he made then he did it, he cut it.

More doctors and nurses begin scrambling, cleaning him up while he cried. They wrapped him up inside of a blanket and passed him over to his dad when they seen his mom looked exhausted.

"Healthy baby, born at 12:04AM on January 9th, 2014." Dr.Cole said. "He's 7.3 pounds, came out with no problems."

Raheem glanced down at him, his eyes opening up every minute then closing back up. He placed his hand inside of his son's while he wrapped his fingers around Raheem's large index finger. He had Kai's nose and ears while he had Raheem's eyes and lips with both of their good hair. He glanced down at his feet and right then and there, he knew he had his mom's chubby ass feet.

"He has your fat feet." Raheem laughed.

Nancy and Damion consoled Kai then left. They wanted to let them have a family time by themselves. Raheem went over to Kai and placed him inside of her arms, he whined for a minute then he hushed up.

"He likes daddy better already." Raheem joked. Kai gave him a look, then a smile. The tears begin forming, she had a good life and she craved the future. Her son had became the love of her life the minute he was laid inside of her arms.

"I'm so thankful for you, thank you." She looked up at Raheem. He could've left her but he had been there for her through the whole thing, never missed an appointment or anything else.

"I love you." He replied. He did, he loved her and his son. Kai couldn't do anything but smile.

"What's his name going to be?" Asked Raheem. "He can't be a Jr. That shit don't run in the fam." His spoke the truth, nobody in his family had the same name, only last names and first initials.

"Aiden." Kai said. "Darius Johnson, Aiden Darius Johnson." She repeated.

Raheem found nothing wrong with the name, he found that different because he'd never heard nobody with that name. Of course, the last name would be his and the middle name was fine with him also, because they would be sharing two parts of his name.

"Alright, lil Aiden." Raheem placed his finger on his feet. "Them fat ass feet he got."


"Ok, he's cleaned up and sleeping at the moment. Did you want some rest or could we wheel him in here? He might be whiney." The doctor asked Kai who sat up, eating applesauce.

"I'm fine, I need to get used to him waking me up anyways. Bring him." To be honest, she wanted him with her because she'd seen Lifetime movies about babies being stolen and everybody in the hospital would be a dead motherfucker if Aiden came up missing.

"Your mom crazy." Raheem came inside of the room. "She done slapped some lady downstairs and had to leave, but my mom said she'd come up here later on because I have to get down to the mall."

Kai laughed and nodded. "Did you contact my professor and let him know I'd be out for some weeks and he needs to email me everything that I need to turn in."

"Yes I did little girl. He emailed about five hundred damn assignments, good luck with that." Raheem snickered.

Kai looked at him with the look and laughed along with him. She placed her head back and stared up at the ceiling, she was tired and had barely got some sleep. Raheem had let her get about three hours of sleep, then he woke her up to eat and she hadn't been back since then.

"We're about to have a family, a life." Kai said.

"We have that already dumb ass, but we're becoming a real one like on the movies." Raheem replied. "You ready?"

"Ready for what?" Kai questioned.

"To begin this whole new thing. I'm gone make you my wife, I hope you know that."

Kai blushed and cheesed. "I'm ready, baby."

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